[center][img]https://lh3.googleusercontent.com/VVsbGbdk3bdgxT8dJiNUqGY7C-PyfJKUyD549CNy-Aj2MetqoCMdhX302odpAGPPw2Bm-a3Lj1WCreBhjEkyQ7KhriGQv5L12lOfwz6_GOfbhQENknczLIVywsXxaIqC-K1nXykcU-gSzOBhqiB_liU4Qn7qv4TTBo35RzyEtgVuJh0tV6096HKk9h5Lic8C2ZRRAV2TzOnzbjBQbX9CCsTn4p1sNNYw8iUGFWWX7A4Q_ZgSsCGIk0174lS_xGTEpvp1WCtK3XsU3c0vVCuTW5zcGUL4aEAR-JhXTsuHGNnejF-vYRzTvvD3eDsq9KXYGTRUonhLihfNnjDZTwo7axqPGiHt4gVmzeCYtsTo44GztnpSdTG_arcCXerDHF6POaf0G5jsjaAeH7vk20CKEojdvEfh01gLwH4bqIW9macGCpam3Xj7XHj2vlMrMQRGFeY0URjIfYAB8KtQbP6gfoEORLjNp9_m9L6fRuIj8ENvGRQpYQAl9rBZj1zPiFEKMOTNml_yX_dhnmwTlGAyTGjOjuqEdgJtJZvFoiHcAy-AkuCHrcEDBSXDI6VwDHHOvSLL6k2ym2PPCdZiWKCXhdlUhXOKiPH8H_Vr0LZS46jAkQRF5yGF2vRToeo_VcG6f4ZLKvFuqBUS3JeWaSVrwOkVpPwYpGs9qTIezrK3lFvO7BDm_HozRy4=w372-h76-no[/img][/center] [center]Word count: 351,+1EXP gained![/center] [center]Level: 1 - EXP: 4/10 [/center] [center]Police Station - Dead Zone[/center] [hr] Soon the young mage would begin to stir, due to the ruckus of the station blinking in exhaustion, he would begin to reflect upon his past life when he was not an apocalypse survivor. What was life meant to be for this little mage after his original objective? Was he to be entrusted another mission afterward? Or were he to live the rest of his life like a monk, isolated and ignored by society due to his social struggles and deep study in dark magic. He re-examined his old and worn book of spells. He used to have every single one of these puppies memorized and in fact, he still does. But… he struggles to perform any of them, besides Thunder, which was one of the first spells he learned. Did this have to do with the beam of light that struck him so many months ago? Black Mage was set out on finding the cause of this. He stood up, stretching his stiff limbs as he pocketed his book into his robe and then would attempt to limber up as best as he could. [color=yellow][i] Am I even anywhere near home?... I was just sort of… summoned here in a sense. [/i][/color] He clenched his gloved fist in spite of his situation. He did not know anything about the World of Light that Galeem had created, or his unknown rescue from the tiny puff named Kirby, but he knew, he knew that for whatever reason he was revived for some reason or another. He would walk to Leon, look up at him quickly and express [color=yellow] “I’m going to supply search. Maybe get rid of some ‘zombies’ along the way”[/color] with the tip of his hat, he was gone. He would traverse another quarter of the building he had yet to have explored on his own. He trod carefully, keeping his staff at the ready if anything with murderous intent planned to eat him alive. He walked down the hall and after finding a more quiet area to rest. He was beginning to bore after the same routine every day.