[quote=@PrinceAlexus] Conflicts drive creation, inovation and invention. Small as genders or large as nations conflicts, they drive creation of things good and bad. [/quote] Clearly you never been around a large group of women. The theory that women will work with each other, and everyone is one large sisterhood and everyone will be equal to each other: well, your stuck in the 1960's. If you want to see two women having conflict with each other. Have two women being the same height, identical figures, same age, and same job title, identical income and education. The more two women are equal to each other, the more conflict you will get. True, women may be more passive than men. But, women do have longer memories of past events. They will build networks and friendships, and work to undermine each other. More so when they are suppose to be in the same organization, than a different group.