Ashewell looked down at the Warforged in her arms. "Name? OH, yes. Name. You may call me Ashewell, if you would please." The Drider was wondering at this point if this Glaive girl had heard of Yuri Monmusu before. Well, that much was fine. "Worry not, we are all friends here." With a smile, she paid attention to Aries. The sheep girl wanted to go, understandable... Well, maybe. Ashewell herself had no desire at the moment. Well, unless it turned out to be a village of monster girls or something. She let go of Glaive to set the sheep girl down on the ground. "Let me tell you this. I am, without a doubt... Most likely a monster." The spider said. "On the outside at least. That said, what really makes you a monster is the inside." She poked at the sheep girl's chest. "Regardless of that outside appearance may say... The inside of you is still human. As long as you don't let that much change, you're still you. You're not a monster." She gave a slight sigh at this though. "Well, keep heart in that. We don't know much about this world." She recited a... Mostly word for word speech from a heroine from Yuri Monmusu. Then a thought fell upon her. "One think to think though, friends. What if this world isn't run by humans but rather by monsters? Could be nothing but food for thought though." "Regardless, I shall stay here and watch over those who would stay behind." One way or the other, she stuck out like a sore thumb. "Maybe make the place more pretty."