[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/CRteBS6.png?1[/img][/center] Incense smoke wafted through the dojo as the four turtles sat on their heels, their knees on the ground. Splinter paced in front of them, leaning on his cane as he did so. Once Leonardo had returned from his excursion to the surface, the master had gathered his sons in the dojo, but that was nearly half an hour ago. Since then, he has been silent, pacing the floor, searching for the words to say to his children. What he would say would change everything for them. It would make them targets. It would thrust them into war. [color=a0410d]"Ever since our transformation,"[/color] Splinter began, finally, [color=a0410d]"I have known we were special. That we were changed for a reason. What that reason was, I could not be sure. Still...I have always remembered things from before we became what we are, unlike the four of you. Some of those memories were nothing more than vague shadows, dancing in a flickering flame. Some were solid and formed like moving statues. They were where our training came from. They were why I was always certain some threat was on the horizon, even if I could not remember what it was."[/color] He took a seat in front of his children and exhaled a deep breath, rustling the fur around his mouth, [color=a0410d]"Most of my memories were of the latter variety. Until recently. Slowly it is as if my mind has been opening like a man digging out of his own grave. My past, everything that has happened to me, is flooding back into my mind. Which is why I shut myself off from you. For that, I apologize."[/color] [color=0054a6]"We understand, father,"[/color] Leonardo tried to console his sensei. [color=0054a6]"I can imagine that was a difficult time."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"Brown-noser,"[/color] Raph muttered under his breath before receiving an elbow to the shoulder from Leo. Mikey chuckled. Splinter merely smirked. His sons were still children, even if they were trained in the art of ninjutsu. Being shinobi did not change their nature. He was heartened by that. He just hoped they would be able to keep their spirits in the trials to come. [color=a0410d]"Thank you, my son,"[/color] Spinter continued. [color=a0410d]"As I sifted through my memories, attempting to piece together my life, I remembered how I came to be at your side. Before I was on the streets, I was the pet of a man named Hamato Yoshi. Yoshi had come to America from Japan with his wife, Tang Shen. The two were happy and in love, and at some point, Shen purchased me as a pet. I spent my time in my cage watching my master run exercises in his own dojo, teaching young ones as I did you."[/color] [color=f7941d]"Whoa!"[/color] Michelangelo exclaimed. [color=f7941d]"He was like your sensei, sensei!"[/color] [color=a0410d]"Indeed,"[/color] Splinter smiled at the youngest turtle. [color=a0410d]"His teachings were stored in my mind, only usable after our transformations. But he was a fierce warrior, and the guardian of a terrible secret."[/color] He stood again, turning his back to his sons, the red robe he wore was the color of dried blood in the candle light, [color=a0410d]"Hundreds of years ago in Japan, there was a clan of shinobi called The Hand. While I have taught you to use ninjutsu with honor and to defend the weak, The Hand had no such scruples. They served a demon, a tengu, aonly known as 'The Beast'. They worked for power above all else. Few knew what the Beast, if it did exist."[/color] [color=92278f]"Nothing more than a fairytale, I'm sure,"[/color] Donatello scoffed. Leo wasn't sure. He put his hand into the pouch on his belt and ran his finger over the mask Alopex had given him once again. Leo looked over at Donnie. While Don was admittedly a scientific genius, he had closed him off from their father's spiritual teachings. Don didn't believe in chi or yokai or tengu. He believed what was in front of him. What he could feel. Leo felt his brother was weaker for it, and hoped he would see the light. [color=a0410d]"Maybe, my son,"[/color] Splinter turned to acknowledge him. [color=a0410d]"But that is not where this story ends. For one of the ancient Hand's greatest warriors broke from his masters and blasphemed. The young ninja lord was named Oroku Saki, and he claimed The Beast itself had granted him power. He broke from The Hand and created its opposite, The Foot. While the Hand would maneuver its plans behind the scenes, the Foot would stomp on the throats of their enemies. Saki was ruthless, and if he was the host of the demon, he showed it. In short order, The Foot had most of Japan under their control. Saki was known as the Shuredda, the Tengu Shogun."[/color] [color=ed1c24]"That's incredible,"[/color] Raph thought about the logistics. [color=ed1c24]"To dominate a whole country in such a sort order."[/color] [color=a0410d]"But he was stopped in the end, by an alliance between the Hand and the shoguns of Japan,"[/color] Splinter continued. [color=a0410d]"Two enemies came together to stop their enemy. At least for a while. But there was a myth, possibly started by the Shurreda, that if his helmet and arm blades were reunited with his corpse, the Tengu Shogun would return."[/color] [color=92278f]"Oh come-"[/color] Donatello was cut off by a look from Master Splinter. [color=a0410d]"The pieces of armor was guarded by the line of Saki's elite guard, being passed down from generation to generation as they were constantly hunted,"[/color] the rat continued. [color=a0410d]"All the while, it was hunted by the Shoguns' own shinobi. None wanted the Shuredda to return. Eventually, the armor was taken from the Foot. The shoguns' men found the arm blades, the Hand the helmet. Their locations were known only by a select few, and that too was passed down through their lines. My master Yoshi was the last of the Shogun shinobi line."[/color] [color=0054a6]"Wait, so he knew where the arm blades were?"[/color] Leo realized. [color=0054a6]"He came here to America to hide. To make sure Saki wasn't revived."[/color] [color=a0410d]"Yes,"[/color] Splinter nodded. [color=a0410d]"The Foot began to reemerge in Japan, and Yoshi was afraid that they had found out that he was the last to know of Shuredda's location. So he took his pregnant wife to New York, believing they would be safe there."[/color] [color=f7941d]"But they weren't,"[/color] Mikey groaned, knowing what was to come. [color=a0410d]"No,"[/color] Splinter sighed, the sadness in his voice was evident. [color=a0410d]"The Foot found our home here in New York. In their attack, my cage was knocked open and I was able to escape. Their leader at the time was a girl no older than you are now. She threatened to kill Shen if Yoshi did not reveal the secret of Saki's baldes. He did so, and she killed her hostage anyway, leaving Yoshi to his shame and failure. I watched as my master took his own life in the ritual of seppuku, his body falling next to Shen's, their eyes locked on one another even in death."[/color] Leonardo could see the wet streaks of tears running through the fur around Splinter's eyes, and his heart broke for his father. To witness all this tragedy, brought on by such dishonorable actions, brought anger to his heart. [color=ed1c24]"Monsters,"[/color] Raphael growled, outwardly showing the same anger as Leo. The two were more alike than different, Leo was just better at keeping his emotions in check, or at the very least masked. [color=ed1c24]"The dishonor. The barbarity. You always taught us to be better than that."[/color] [color=a0410d]"And as I said, The Foot has never believed in honor,"[/color] Splinter closed his eyes and tried to compose himself. [color=a0410d]"And now they are our responsibility to stop."[/color] The brothers looked at each other. Leonardo could see the determination in everyone of them's eyes save for Donatello, who had never been excited at the thought of fighting. Leo wanted to stop the Shuredda before he could finish his goals. Raphael wanted to bring someone so dishonorable to justice. Mikey wanted to avenge Yoshi and Shen. Even Don felt a twinge of anger at the story. Splinter said with an air of destiny, [color=a0410d]"I believe we were created to stop the Tengu Shogun from being revived. While my master was never able to see his child take up his burden, we can do so. We are the last of the Hamato line, as unorthodox as we are. We are tasked with finishing Oroku Saki, once and for all."[/color] [color=f7941d]"But sensei,"[/color] Mikey asked, [color=f7941d]"where can we even start to find him?"[/color] [color=0054a6]"Easy, Mike,"[/color] Leo said, tossing the mask onto the floor of the dojo. [color=0054a6]"The Hand are in New York. Alopex saw them. If they're here, the helmet might be as well. We find the helmet, and we stop The Foot before they can bring him back."[/color] Splintered considered the proposition, [color=a0410d]"Very well. But be careful, my sons. The Hand are not to be trifled with. And if The Foot are indeed on the hunt, I fear we will find ourselves in grave danger. Remember your training. And remember that we are family, and nothing can stop us when we stand together."[/color]