[b]Lexianna[/b] There's a moment, as quick as a breath being exhaled where everything within my realm focuses its forces to alert me. The wind, the fauna, the soil, the water, life itself whispers in my mind [i]intruders[/i]. It's a whisper but it's enough. My scythe drops into my arms just as blinding light strikes and I feel my powers wrenched from me. I exhale harshly. There's bursting pain but I disregard it. When life is created and birthed there's pain. Pain is a strengthener and reminder that you're alive. It's not an excuse to stop. My first thought is for Jalen. I glance to the side to see the boy curled under the table. Good. Baruss takes a young Hand out on my left. Noted. My weapon starts channeling my power and I slam the edge of it down into the ground. Light cages encase all the Hands, jailing them. There's injuries on both sides, unfortunately. I walk up to Baruss and give him an affectionate squeeze on the arm," Thank you." I take stalk of my friends. Sia is unconscious but honestly that seems to have less to do with the attack and more to do with her consumption tonight. Either way I touch her with the blunt edge of my scythe and watch as her internal maladies are healed. I pat her head before doing the same for Raia. I cross the room to Blaze and gently pat his arm as healing power is channeled into him with my scythe as well. While my weapon does its work, I lean down and check on Jalen. "Are you alright darling?" [b]Li-Li[/b] He moves with purpose but without regard. It's like what my mother told me. It's like back then. In the next Blackout we enter I grip his arm. I've stomped the feelings down, feeling doesn't control me [i]compartmentalize[/i] no fury. But I am curious. "Why haven't you asked?" When all I get is his blank stare I'm honestly ready to slap him but I check myself. I will not lose it again, yet. I go with another even more important question. "How are you going to tell her? When they come back from the blackout I want to know. How are you going to look my mother in the eyes and tell her you murdered Galen and came back? What's the explanation here?" There's no emotion in my voice. My question isn't colored one way or the other. I'm reading a list of questions that need answers. If I do this, like this, I will not kill him.