The Great War: The 4 Realms Collide. (Themes/genre: Modern, Medieval, Realms and dimensions and fantasy) Alternate future: In a modern planet. Year: 2019 on planet Earth. The planet was a somewhat normal place at that time and it resembled our normal world today! Or maybe in the future where technology is good enough that we may as well call it advanced. This will happen on an alternate Earth in an alternate universe. But we do not know the knowledge of other realms and we simply think it is fairy-tail or a bunch of worthless magic that doesn't exist. But one day that fully changed when we had noticed that there were 4 gigantic realms colliding with our planet causing uttermost havoc and discomfort. We looked up to the sky and we saw it. The 4 realms: Heaven, Hell and 2 strange fantasy-alien realms that we have yet to discover about but they were on collision course as well with Earth. They were sitting there in the sky approaching our planet like it were to be a huge portal and it would start to merge together. The planet would soon turn into a huge post-apocalyptic battlefield where there are colossal amounts and various kinds of creatures fighting against each other; Leaving ruins and great destruction in its path. But there are also some beings who wish to protect the species and wildlife of this planet so they had created one gigantic alliance to fight against the forces who wish to set our planet in ruins. Our characters will have to make up strategies and solutions for it to work. To win this war and bring peace to our planet! The planet is a battleground now. Filled with magical warfares and technological warfares all around the planet. Some zones have a lot of radioactivity and some are dormant. There is also huge warzones with high-tech artillery spazzing out. There are also demons and angels: Meaning that there are species of angels and demons that fight against eachother in the battles. There are also 2 alien realms which host many species of fantasy beings that currently come out of these strange realms that are in contact with the planet. They are like huge domes about the size of Sweden layed out in each parts of the world. Pecific ocean and the Antlantic. Including the poles as well. Now it's up to you now to surive the planet. So there are 4-realms in total being smashed upon the planet's surface. [color=9e0039] The planet is mostly a wasteland with ruins and deserts everywhere. There had been a couple of nuclear bombs and craters in the areas from huge magical beams being pierced through the ground. But you can find a lot of valuable minerals now including some very rare gems. There are a lot of things to discover and you might be in a warzone. You'd notice there were many orbs being casted in the sky due to artillery and magic including alot of air-units,ground units and very few underwater units. The precence of water is very little so be conservative.[/color] What side will you be in now? Will you stay neutral and do nothing and live life? (Stay neutral and avoid warzones) -- Can be dangerous. Or will you fight for the planet's safety with other species: (Join the military) -- A lot of epic fighting. _____________________________________________________________________________________ Inspirational pictures for curious people: (NOT MY ART! I do not claim ownership of these) _____________________________________________________________________________________ BEFORE YOU JOIN! Requirements: One-liner and above Grammar Spelling and that's it! _____________________________________________________________________________________ Character rules! 1. Please do not have OP characters. Have them balanced. 2. Be fair towards your players. 3. Permission to kill is required! 4. Have fun! 5. OC-characters only! _____________________________________________________________________________________ I hope you're interested with making a group with me. Just PM me and we'll set it up together.