[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjgwLmVkYTYzNS5TR0ZpYVhSaGRDQXpOQ0EsLjA,/red-hat.display.png[/img][/center] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjcyLmZhYjU0Ny5TVzVrZFhOMGNtbGhiQ0JFYVhOMGNtbGpkQ0JYWVhKbGFHOTFjMlUsLjAAAAAA/red-hat.display-medium.png[/img][/center] [@glwgameplayer][@KaiserElectric][@Sakaki Chizuru][hr] The Industrial District of Habitat 34 was somehow less welcoming then even the residential sector had been. Flats and tenement houses made of black nanocarbon were replaced by towering castles of plasteel and piping, stretching all the way to the demi-glass ceiling as if trying to take block out what little natural light the people received. Though Denzel lead the way, Laika found she was just as familiar with the path they were taking. Where the residential district had been crowded, bottle necked by two lane streets, the factory district was more manageable. It was working hours so it wasn't difficult to see why. Everyone was expected to be at their job, in doors or outside of the habitat entirely. Those who were outside moved quickly, eyes locked straight head as they strode down the sidewalk or sped down the road. Everyone moved with a purpose, their faces on the verge of the grimace as their eyes narrowed and their vision tunneled. [color=DC143C][i]"We might as well be invisible to these people."[/i][/color] Cathrida thought as she walked, hunched over like before, eyeing the rooftops for any signs of possible enforcers watching them. The roads around the factories seemed almost foggy. Occasional spurts of odd gasses or strange gushes of liquid would come from the burgeoning pipes and tubes that ran from the factories into the ground and down into the guts of the habitat. Just breathing made Cathrida's throat itch and her eye burn, thought Laika didn't seem to notice. As Denzel continued to lead them, zig-zagging his way through streets and cutting clean across industrial yards, the factories began to slowly disappear. Things became quiet, the streets emptied out, and the rhythmic sounds of factory equipment and near mechanized worker movements slowly faded away. Soon the three of them were walking through eerily vacant streets where long, identical buildings of cheap corrugated metal sat. It was only occasionally a fork lift would drive by or the sound of a crate falling or glass breaking could be heard somewhere in the distance, only to be swallowed by the silence. They walked and walked until Denzel stopped suddenly in front of a warehouse marked with the number '1337'. Glancing up and down the street, Laika and Cathrida watched as he rapped a hand against the door and sat silence for several moments. The shutter door lift up just an inch and a single eye peered out from the crack. Disappearing as quickly as it came, the shutter door lifted up further, enough for them to roll beneath it. As soon as they were inside the shutter door was closed. Inside the warehouse Laika and Cathrida were initially confused. Large florescent lambs hung from the high ceiling and lit towering shelves filled with boxes and rolls of materials. There was no sign of anything out of the ordinary until they reached the back of the warehouse. There, tucked away in the far back, was a crude circular table arranged from crates and plate plates. Papers and out of date computers littered the table, along with several crude arms and what looked like a make-shift time bomb. A few mobile workers stood against the nearby wall out of line of sight of the shutter door, in various states of visible disrepair. A few people sat at the table, others stood away from it near the walls as if afraid to draw near as the strangers entered. Cathrida approached the table, straightening up and threw back her hood. She paid no attention to the reactions of the people present, only their number. [color=DC143C]"This is it?"[/color] Cathrida asked aloud, unable to hide her displeasure. [color=FFA500]"Maybe not everyone is here yet?"[/color] Laika said, glancing around the room as she moved up to stand by Cathrida's side. The women scoffed. [color=DC143C]"I would hope people who want to fight Zern would at the very least be punctual. If you can't show up in time to fight and then you might as well be dead."[/color] Exhaling and placing her hands against the table in front of her, Cathrida addressed the room. [color=DC143C]"You are here because Denzel has accepted a proposition I made to him, and by extension your organization. You will all be assisting in the recovery of something of great importance to me. Something that once acquired will open up new avenues for what you and the Mekon Movement will be able to achieve moving forward."[/color] Laika listened intently, practically leaning forward to drink Cathrida's words as they spoke. In that moment she seemed almost like a child listening as hard as they could to their mother. [color=DC143C]"We will be heading down to the surface of Venus where I had something hidden four years ago. Originally I intended to head to the surface myself aboard a...acquired cargo vessel. However complications forced me to leave the vessel and come to this habitat in my mobile suit. As a result, the Zern Empire likely knows where I am. If they haven't been made aware of what I did then they soon will be and will react rapidly."[/color] Cathrida paused as if to check if those present were listening. [color=DC143C]"The state of what we need to acquire is also up in the air. I'm certain its perfectly functional, but depending on how much work was or was not done on it in the intervening years since I left it, time might be required to get it into a movable state. That possibility along with approaching Zern intervention ensures that a fight on the surface of Venus is inevitable."[/color] Laika's hands balled into fists at her side and brief look of excitement filled her face. [color=FFA500]"How are we going to get down to the surface?"[/color] Laika asked and Cathrida glanced to her. [color=DC143C]"How do you think we could get to the surface?"[/color] Cathrida asked back, almost like a teacher challenging their student. Laika stopped, biting her lip before nodding her head. [color=FFA500]"We could--We could steal a mining drop vessel! Those are built to carry a bunch of mobile workers and equipment down to the surface and back. There's definitely one in the habitat ports right now."[/color] Cathrida smiled and nodded her head. [color=DC143C]"Perfect answer. Yes. We will be stealing the miner drop-off ship to carry out this operation. However the lynch pin relies on the pilots that come with us. I likely won't be able to fight myself depending on the state of our target. Laika here is the best pilot I know and Denzel's reputation makes his competent clear. However two pilots likely won't be enough. I can't know the force Zern will deploy in response to this, so I need anyone else who can pilot and fight in a mobile suit or worker."[/color] The former pirate fell silent, looking around the room with her almost glowing eyes as she tried to spot those who intended to come forward.[hr] [center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/b3RmLjgwLmUyMjgxMi5WR2hsSUZabGJuVmwuMAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA/red-hat.text-italic.png[/img][/center] [@Yukitamas][@vietmyke][@Caduceus][@Frater Jeremiah][@DostHou][@Golden Spiral][hr] Lycoris remained standing in the hallway long after Lucas had spoken and left her sight. She simply stood in the center of the hall, staring down at the floor. Platitudes were something she had expected from Lucas. It was always easy to assume what he said was done so out of obligation, but it was difficult to tell if such things were hollow or genuine. The words he spoke lingered in her mind and consumed her thoughts as she became fixated on just what their merit was. [color=9370DB]"Failure is a part of success?"[/color] She muttered to herself, eyes narrowing behind her glasses as the words became bitter and venomous in her mouth. [color=9370DB]"Everyone says failure is a part of life, a part of growing. Yet there are some mistakes we're expected never to make. And when we do make them they forever color how we and our actions are perceived. When your failure costs someone their life or causes some grave harm outside yourself, its not longer just a single 'failure'."[/color] Lycoris could feel her heart begin to race as her train of thought grew grimmer by the moment. [color=9370DB]"It becomes an extension of how people see you, see your work, see your very existence. A man who commits a crime is considered a criminal long after he is proven innocent or rehabilitated. And a girl whose life work kills a man unintentionally is--"[/color] [color=FF69B4]"A victim of misfortune, like any other."[/color] Lycoris snapped from her stupor and turned around to see Princess Asallia in a long flowing gown accompanies by a small line of armed soldiers. [color=9370DB]"P-Princess!"[/color] Lycoris stuttered, stepping to the side. Asallia simply smiled back. [color=FF69B4]"I was hoping you would occupy yourself with more pleasant things before we docked, but I suppose I can't blame you. This whole thing has me a bit overwhelmed as well."[/color] [color=9370DB]"I"m sorry. I got caught up talking with Lucas and I-"[/color] Lycoris spoke quickly, but Asallia lifted her hand to silence her. [color=FF69B4]"Started ruminating. I understand. Don't worry. Things will change moving forward, I promise you that."[/color] Lycoris fell silent. Though she tried to hide it, she had difficulty believing what the Princess said. Her doubt and shame was visible on her face. [color=9370DB]"I think I should-"[/color] [color=FF69B4]"Would you like to join me?"[/color] Asallia asked suddenly. [color=9370DB]"What?"[/color] Lycoris as taken aback. [color=FF69B4]"For the ceremony, of course. There's nothing to say you can't come with me. Its better then waiting on the sidelines or in the crowd. We'd have to get you dressed for the occasion on the way. Thankfully my staff are quite experienced with getting me ready for concerts and occasions at the last possible minute."[/color] "Are you sure Princess?" One of her armed guards asked "She's a-" Though the man's eyes were hidden Lycoris could feel his gaze on her 'horns'. [color=FF69B4]"She is my esteemed [i]guest.[/i] And will be respected accordingly."[/color] Asallia's voice was suddenly like ice and Lycoris watched as the armored soldier built like a gorilla visible winced at her tone. "Forgive me, Princess. I'm just trying to do my job. Perhaps Signifier Brache should-" [color=FF69B4]"Sir Bernard has had two months to inspect people aboard this ship. If my long time, loyal student was some kind of murderous skin-stealing assassin he would have learned that long before our arrival. Unless of course you think your superior simply isn't competent in his position?"[/color] "Please, forget I said anything Princess." Looking back to Lycoris, smiling and staring intently, the bespectacled girl nodded her head. [color=9370DB]"A-alright."[/color][hr] Moments later Lycoris instantly regretted her decisions. One second she was walking along beside the Princess and the next she was all but picked off her feet. Several women all dressed in traditional servant attire had appeared as if from nowhere carrying a portable dressing blind, a few garments, and basic cosmetics. The only thing that stopped Lycoris from screaming was Asallia's continued presence nearby and her idle chatter with the women as they stripped and dressed her like a doll. All of Lycoris's objections, save for her refusal to go without he glasses, went seemingly unheard. When they had gone Lycoris was left dressed in a purple satin gown with arm length gloves and heels. Asallia said nothing and acted like what had happened was perfectly normal. All Lycoris could do was follow alongside Asallia, moving in a confused daze. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, the Venue finally reached the Annona colony. The approach of the massive gun-laden ship was greeted by a dozen Rosencrants and Gildenstern vessels. They were lined up in two neat rows aligned perfectly with the main dock of the colony. ZIMS-02 Tommys and Tommy Commander types stood at attention atop the vessels, saluting as the royal carrying vessel grew close. Of course the Venue was too large a vessel to fit into the Annona colony's internal hangers, but it was the presentation and precedent that was important. Long extensions protruding off the colony cylinder and its primary hanger entrance allowed even the largest of ships to connect, unload and supply. There were many aboard the Venue and a great number of things that needed to be brought onto the colony. However as the Venue was locked in place no one aboard had any delusions about who and what would be the first to get off. A sharp pneumatic hiss signaled the break in the pressure seals as one of the hatch doors to the Venue opened. Soldiers awaited in the long 'hall' of the extension, armed and at attention as the Royal Princesses and those accompanying them stepped off the vessel. Asallia proceeded forward at a diligent pace as Lycoris walked nervously beside her, finding herself unsteady on heels. Even at a glance it was easy to tell the quality and degree of security present for their arrival. Soldiers weren't simply in the extension waiting for them, but were outside as well in EVA suits. Ready to intercept any bombing attempts that could launch the members of the royal family into space. Just a short walk down the extension was as far as they needed to go for the royal family members and their guests to enter into the main procession area, where esteemed nobles, soldiers and their mobile suits stood waiting for them...