[@Sep] [h1]Daedelus[/h1] Eggman looked at Caldwell and listened to his explanation of their technologies. "Well, that all depends." He replied to the question. "I mean, we all leave little things out of reports." He said. "I imagine that there are a few things around here that i can give improvements on. First and foremost, i think your weapons and personnel. I mean, people are alright, it's definitely more fun shouting at them than robots, but the competence more than makes up for it. I can call some over and give you a live demonstration if you like. I was also thinking of posting one of my Eggboss machines aboard your ship. I thought that since we'll be working together, it would be prudent to maybe train someone else in their use, as well as maintenance, incase i was to be incapacitated." He reasoned. He really wasn't that big a fan of the idea of giving his secrets away to strangers, but if he could convince them of the invaluable assets that the Eggboss' were. If he could convince them then he could finally get his factory ship. At the same time, though, he doubted that this was an offer they could refuse. First hand experience with advanced robotics technology far beyond anything they had access to. [h1]Egg Carrier[/h1] Sonia bowed to the Lieutenant as he came aboard. "Space Flight isn't so much of something we are new at, but more something we are inexperienced with." Sonia corrected him. "We have been going to space for many generations and have been in contact with extraterrestrials, but our civilization has been in civil wars for so long that... Well, we decided that solving the problems on Mobius was more important than expanding to the stars. First it was the Overlanders, then Robotnik, then the Robotnikist terrorists... Most recently my brother, Prince Manic... But when he escaped to the stars, we were forced to bring the technology out of retirement. Although, you can take you to the Shield Generators, i'm curious about your technologies. Without Flickies or Elemental Core's, i was wondering where you get the energies to run such an enormous vessel?" She asked.