[h3][color=aba000][b]Elthrael Vol'Kerno[/b][/color][/h3] [i][color=aba000]'A large demon? An angel demi-human and a dark elf? So that's what was coming. Jean dead? Oh he must mean the foolish male human who brought his own death upon himself. How fine of you to share this information so freely, you mangy-mutt. Now I do know what is giving chase after us and can dispatch them at my terms...'[/color][/i] [b][color=aba000]"How I managed to survive? Hnn hnn..."[/color][/b] He began to chuckle softly to himself, he 'sat down' midair, while his wings fluttered, he crossed his legs slightly, reaching up one hand to stroke his own chin, tapping his cheek with a finger as he did. [b][color=aba000]"...well first of all, I am not you."[/color][/b] He said with a smile on his lips, which showed a few of his teeth, especially his sharp corner teeth. [color=aba000][b]"For spending time with my kind, you certainly don't know much about us fairies do you? But then how could you ever truly understand us, when you cannot soar the skies like we do, when you cannot feel the very earth and plantlife surrounding you. No, you are as blind as a mole when it comes to that. But you do have something going for you. You smell. Helps keeping track of where you are, even if you don't know that yourself. "[/b][/color] The fairy said in an amused manner, looking down on Kyran, from his invisible throne. [b][color=aba000]"I am good at what I'm doing, which is surviving and thriving. You've ought to try it someday."[/color][/b] Elthrael said, as his voice lowered into a mumble. [b][color=aba000]"If you had it in you."[/color][/b] He fake coughed into his hand before proceeding. [b][color=aba000]"This... Jean, I suppose were that armored human male. His own death was his own doing, he tried to chew off more than he could swallow and paid the ultimate price. A pity. But unavoidable since you were eager to go with his plan rather than mine. His demise may serve as a reminder that choices do bear consequences. Perhaps the next time you'll go with my suggestion hm?"[/color][/b] Elthrael said in a soft tone of voice, looking over the people gathered. [b][color=aba000]"How I appeared here? I did nothing so underhanded as to follow this here young woman, I don't make a living out of... stalking. Do you? I just happened to be here before you even got here, when you can fly instead of walk you can get to places alot quicker."[/color][/b] He gave an amused grin to Kyran, then set his eyes on Elsea. [b][color=aba000]"I feel the very same, Elsea. I could ask you all the same how you got away, but does it truly matter that much when what matters is that you did get away. Same can be said for myself. Jean got... compromised so I had to withdraw lest I would have joined him in his untimely death, which would not have served anyone any good other than our common foes."[/color][/b] The fairy explained in a very calm manner, as if his mind had already been up right then and there, no hint of doubt in his voice, no regrets whatsoever. [b][color=aba000]"What if I would have done this? What if I would have done that? What if I was born rich? What if I were powerful? All these questions are meaningless when regarding past occurances for most beings, if you start thinking like that when it truly matters you'll run out of time. Make up your mind before you get drawn into a scenario which forces you into making a choice, that can save you and others valuable time. A time is of the essence, as we all ought to know by now."[/color][/b] He blew some small plant dust from his hand and allowed it to carry through the wind. Then his eyes set on Risa as she had placed herself by Kyran. [b][color=aba000]"Ahh that is true, you need to consume in order to live, like the flame eats the air around it. We too must do akin, to grow stronger."[/color][/b] The dark winged fairy said in a softer tone of voice, holding up one of his hands with the palm facing up to the sky, then using his chlorokinesis, he created a single seed in his hand. Which he shortly after allowed to fall to the ground below. The fairy stretched his arms abit and uncrossed his legs, as he gradually hovered down to where it landed. The fairy held out his left hand towards the seed, and then it began to grow, vines and roots spreading and it's shape twisting and becoming larger until it held a final shape. An appletree. Elthrael gave a smug expression to it, then went over to pick up a red apple hanging from the newly formed tree. He held it out towards Elsea. [b][color=aba000]"Nature provides to those which respects it. This here fruit may not give you the wisdom of the gods, but it will stave off hunger."[/color][/b] He said with a smile on his lips, then mumbled in a low whisperlike manner. [color=aba000][b]"Unless you hunger for other things..."[/b][/color]