[@Double] [i]"When this fight's over, maybe let's you and I see if we can learn a bit more about this planet. Like it or not, Earth is gonna have to become our home for the foreseeable future." [/i] Tabaga nodded and assumed a battle stance as her damaged scouter picked up an incoming power level. A moment later two separate events occurred in rapid succession, First a blast of energy slammed into one of the fighters who seemed to be supporting Negi and a moment later, an unknown Saiyan appeared directly in front of Negi. A short conversation went on between the two warriors for a moment before Negi unleashed a blast of energy at the unknown Saiyan and moved backwards to put some distance between the two. "Friend of yours?" Tabaga shouted at Negi as she gathered what strength she had and began to rapidly fire Ki blasts at the unknown Saiyan. Whoever this guy was seemed to hate the prince quite a bit. Tabaga was a bit upset at the fact she wasn't at her full fighting power yet. Being stuck in that pod for a number of years had more of a detrimental effect then she thought it would.