[center][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/190921/ebc4310e2ad833bc5e5178fc35f890f7.png[/img][/center] [hr] She had a spring in her step as she moved gracefully through a sea of people shuffling down the city streets. It wasn’t like anything important was said between the two of them but just being able to laugh and put her worries away if even for a moment was wonderful. She felt like she could take on the world and maybe this was a sign that things were starting to look up for her. At least that is what she thought until she felt a large hand gripping her wrist, yanking her sharply into a nearby alley way and covering her mouth with their free hand so she couldn’t make a sound. Reyna instantly felt her body slammed into the brick wall once she was dragged far enough from sight, the rough texture snagging against her clothes and scraping at her skin. She glared at her attacker, the asshole wearing a sickening grin as he pinned her. “Hey there kitten, just hand over the bags and empty your pockets. No one has to get hurt but struggle and I can’t make any promises that my hand won’t slip.” he purred in her ear causing her noise to scrunch at the closeness as well as the foul scent of alcohol that clung to him. The hand helping pin her to the wall shifted so she could feel something sharp threatening her side and she tried to remain calm. She had gotten out of worse scrapes than this ...she couldn’t think of any right now but she was sure she had. If she tried to push him away, she risked being cut from the knife practically digging into her already or she might be weaker and he would follow through with his threat. She was trying to think of a good distraction but nothing was coming to mind. There was only one thing she might be able to do and it wasn’t really an option she was happy about either. Reyna slowly moved the hand he allowed free to the shoulder that held her laptop. She grabbed hold of the strap acting as if she was going to comply to the demand when she suddenly jerked her head to the side to loosen the hold on her mouth just enough to bite down harshly on the offending appendage. Her attacker yelped, pulling back in pain and surprise. She still felt herself flinch at the slight pain at her side, the shock causing him to stumble back but still being close enough to slice. She let go of her hold on his hand, ready to make a run for it when she felt the hood of her jacket being yanked. “You crazy bitch! You made a big mistake.” He hissed angrily. Reyna struggled, her fingers desperately trying to get the zipper down as she pushed herself forward to resist being closer to him. The grip on her hood switched to her hair and she hissed, tilting her head back a bit when suddenly all his movements stopped. She noticed the shock on his face, the sudden panic even though nothing had happened, and the words she heard next even stunned her for a moment. “What the fuck!?! Why can’t I move!?!” She blinked, slowly crouching down to free her hair from his grip and untangling the rest with her hands. She stood before him, staring in awe and normally, she would have felt sorry for someone randomly not being able to move but in this situation she found it hard to care. In fact, this asshole was gonna get at least one lesson. Reyna stepped closer, crouching once more and throwing a good amount of force into a swooping kick to knock his feet out from under him. Straightening up, she gave one more slamming kick in the gut for good measure. [color=red]“You got what you deserved you fucking prick!” [/color]She snapped before spitting in his face, turning away and sprinting back out of the alley way. She didn’t care that all of a sudden he was screaming nonsense as she made her way back onto the streets and she certainly didn’t care as more people rushed down the alley to see what was the matter. She just wanted to get the hell out of there. Reyna felt herself shake now that she was out of the situation. She licked her lips before taking a deep breaths and trying to calm herself. She doubted he would come after her again but it still made her nervous all the same. A nagging feeling was tugging at her suddenly causing her to lick her lips again and pause. Why did she taste something sweet? In fact, why didn’t her mouth taste the coppery sensation of blood? She knew she had bit hard enough to break his skin. She put a hand to her mouth, indeed a red substance showing which had her wiping it on her hoodie. [i]’What the hell is wrong with me!?![/i] She shook her head, scurrying back to her little apartment and wanting to forget everything that just happened. The moment she made it inside, Reyna placed both laptops on the coffee table and plopped onto the couch. She looked at the new hole in her clothes with a frown, making a mental note to sew it back up later. She zipped off the hoodie, tossing it away and letting it fall where it would. She peaked at the fresh wound at her side which actually didn’t look too bad or deep luckily but would still need to be cleaned. She yanked off the tank top carefully, her side still protesting at the motion. She headed for the bathroom, grabbing the hand towel, wetting it with water and soap before cleaning the area. It stung like a bitch but better to do it right then have a problem later. Reyna put some ointment on and placed a patch over it, selecting one of her baggier soft shirts to pull on for now. That being taken care of, she moved to the laptop bag that was not her own and pulled out the contact card. [i]’Adalbert Von Hardt, huh? Well isn’t that fancy. There is no way on Earth I could call him that. Maybe a nickname? Adal sounds like something a stripper might pick. Bert sounds way too childish ...hmmm….’[/i] She typed in the provided number and held her breath, letting out a relieved sigh when it went to voicemail. She listened to the voice talk, rolling her eyes as it dragged on before finally she heard the sound of the beep to begin her message.[color=red]”Hey Von, this is Reyna….you know, the girl from the cafe? I have your laptop here with me. I tried to wait as long as I could for you to come back but…... Anyways, let me know if you want to meet up again or I could drop it by the listed address if that sounds good to you. Hope you have a great day and if I don’t end up seeing you….thank you for brightening my day.”[/color] She clicked end, glad to be over with that and moved to the fridge to find something to eat since the muffin has been a complete flop. The choices weren’t looking promising though and she wasn’t sure she was ready to venture out. She pulled out one of the paper menus she had for take-outs and deliveries before punching in the number. She made her order from Lucky Star quick and simple, now just having the matter of waiting. Reyna knew that ultimately she would she to go pick it up but it gave her a while to relax and get over what just happened. She really should invest in pepper spray or something. At least leaving the laptops here, she would be less of a target. She pulled out her notebook, one she had been ignoring for months since the band was on rocky terms right now. It is why band members shouldn’t date. Everything just went to shit if you weren’t careful. It was why she had no passion to do anything or try but today felt different. Reyna grabbed a pencil, scribbling down thoughts and potential ideas. There was a lot of erasing and re-writing which was only stopped when she saw the time. When she finally arrived without a hitch, she made a quick change of plans and asked if it would be alright to dine in. The family restaurant was a peaceful atmosphere to her and she could use that right about now. They didn’t seem to mind the change and let her pick a spot which she happily chose one of the two seater tables. That being done, she slowly unpacked her order, getting back to work on the song she was trying to write. Now, Reyna usually wasn’t their song writer since she had the voice but felt she was lacking the talent to make anything decent for lyrics. It was bugging her though, parts of a melody and words stuck in her head so she thought...why not write them down? Even if it sucked, no one would see it and it wasn’t like she would perform it. [center][hider=lyrics][color=red]The day we meet really wasn’t the best My heart a sinking stone inside my chest Just wanted one little thing to go right But suddenly you were standing in my sight Bite my tongue, just tried to play nice Damn it, I really wanted to put you in a vise It wasn’t till you turned around That I found my guard dropping down If there was one thing I could do It’d be waiting for another chance with you And if there was one thing that I could say It’d be thank you for taking my worry away The time we spent was surprising to me Never thought strangers could talk over tea We smiled and laughed like it was a blast Should’ve known these moments don’t last In a flash, I found myself all alone Sitting there thinking of the unknown Simply wondering if you’d be back Now I have no idea how to even act If there was one thing I could do It’d be waiting for another chance with you And if there was one thing that I could say It’d be thank you for bringing joy to my day[/color] [/hider][/center]