Sue was puzzled at the man's words, but something deep down clicked and she knew what he meant somehow. Sue motioned [i]Chamberlain[/i] slowly towards the man, eyeing the flames slithering around his person. "LET'S NOT GET HASTEY HERE-" [i]Chamberlain[/i]'s stomach plate hissed open with a heavy thunk as it settled to the mech's side, revealing its tiny passenger within, "None of us have time for trouble." Sue took a better look at the pyro from her nest, she could barely tell him from the flames that danced around his slender figure. He looked young, a noticeable feature of all projects, "You may have noticed we're in a war zone, and you don't appear to be a System lackey. So unless you wanna end up as bullet swiss cheese you better start talkin'." Sue looked up to her fellow rebels, "Charlie and Bravo squad, go on ahead and return to the main party, I'll take care of this guy." The other rebels nodded in compliance, not wanting to lose any more precious time. Sue dropped [i]Chamberlin[/i] into a kneeling position so she would be level with her guest, "You escaped, just like me didn't you?" Sue leaned forward, using her good arm to stabilize herself from falling out of her mech, "Just who are you?"