[center][img]https://txt-dynamic.static.1001fonts.net/txt/dHRmLjE1OC5hNTAwZjUuU21GemNHVnlJRkJvYjJWdWFYZywuMAAA/gonna-getha-personal-use.regular.png[/img] [hr] [img]https://68.media.tumblr.com/840ea9ba324c934f3eb80d73f46526ba/tumblr_o21tk7WLh31us25fco1_400.gif[/img] [hr] [h3]Ashford Institute for the Gifted[/h3] [hr] [h3]Interactions[/h3] [@webboysurf] [h3]Mentions[/h3] Nikolai Markov [hr][hr][hr] Jasper hadn't slept much, other than her required two hours out of trance. She hadn't slept through the night in years, and even stretching her mutation hadn't been enough to make her sleep long. Her eyes blinked open to stare up at the ceiling of her room. She could hear the other girl still sleeping not far away, though that was normal. It was just before dawn after all. The blackette rolled out of bed to grab something to wear today before heading for the shower. When she was done with that, she grabbed her coat and headed out of the room. She was still hopped up on adrenaline, surveillance footage playing back in her mind. On their way back the night before, she had gone through what she could to delete footage of their encounter. Mutants were already half hated and dangerous. Letting people see what had happened at Avalon would just be asking for more trouble. Bag in hand, she did something she didn't often do - she went to class in person. A rare event, and something that she didn't plan to do often. She just wanted to see their faces today. After classes were over for the day, Jasper had been headed off to take a look at the news and see what the humans had decided to call the damage. Until she heard that announcement anyway. [color=#8A2BE2]"The fuck. I wasn't even drinking."[/color] They probably couldn't see her, but she flipped one of the speakers the bird before continuing down the hallway. On her way she spotted a familiar face, more distraught than angry this time around. [color=#8A2BE2]"Hey!"[/color] She called out, quickening her pace to catch up with him. [color=#8A2BE2]"Nikolai Markov, right? We met last night."[/color] She paused, looking over at him. A small smirk curled up the corner of her mouth. [color=#8A2BE2]"Hungover or just trying to hide?"[/color] [/center]