[center][h3]Tora & Poppi[/h3] [b]Level 5 Tora[/b] - (21/50) EXP and [b]Level 4 Poppi[/b] - (19/40) EXP [b]Location:[/b] Adventurers' Guild, the Land of Adventure [b]Word Count:[/b] 1344[/center] To say Tora was impatient would be an understatement. One just had to look at him fidgeting about to question the wisdom of telling a Nopon that a big dinner was imminent, especially a free one. He only looked away from the guild's doors once, to say “Hello!” when the Centurion greeted him. The moment Mina's assistant Chef Kowalski arrived in the Guild with the first trolley of food, Tora applied himself to it liberally. Balancing his ovular rotundity atop a stool meant for humans, the Nopon wolfed down a bowl of [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/7/75/Baurun_Steak_Noodle_Soup.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20171231234034]baurun steak noodle soup[/url], relishing each messy bite. Poppi looked appalled. “Masterpon!” she admonished, “Don't you have any table manners?” “Muh?” After slurping down the leftover broth, Tora pushed the bowl away and wiped his mouth with a wing. That essentially answered the artificial blade's question for her, but Tora saw fit to start with the excuses. “W-well...Tora live alone whole life, and use dinner table only once in while because of work. So...not really?” A crestfallen expression had taken over Poppi's face. “That so sad.” Chuckling, Tora shrugged. “Meh, maybe seem so, but so long as Tora pursuing dream, always happy deep inside.” Confusion welled up as Poppi shook her head. “No, Poppi mean 'sad' like 'pathetic.' It good thing adventure mean Tora get out more.” “Meeeeeh!” her masterpon moaned. With a push he got down from his stool, and walked off mumbling, “Tora go get more food. So tasy-tasy and nice. Never diss Tora...” his journey back to the trolley met with distraction, however. First, he passed by Hat Kid, whose visage made him smile. Ever since people started using spirits on themselves, he couldn't help but dread that on beholding allies returned from some trip that he would find them marred beyond all recognition, their essences polluted and twisted. Hat Kid, however, looked just the same as ever. While on the young side himself, Tora felt a certain responsibility for the child, since he was the one who freed her from Galeem. “Hello!” Tora greeted. “Good to see little kid well, meh.” Using his wing, he patted the top of her hat, then was on his way. Next, his eyes alighted upon three interesting-looking boxes currently under scrutiny by Michael. Even more fascinating to Tora was the stuff in Michael's hands, so green and alluring. Memories of the morning struck the Nopon, and he waddled over with a bright look in his eyes. “Ah, friend Mike-Mike going to open boxes! So that what money look like in own world. Can Tora feel?” Evidently he saw nothing wrong with the question at all, but his request went unfulfilled. Instead, he settled for watching the man open the boxes, wondering with great anticipation what would be inside. The first box devoured Michael's bill greedily, clicked repeatedly, then burst open to launch four objects skyward. Three glowed white, and the last one shone blue. When the blobs of light hit the ground, they manifested into loot. Both of the first two appeared to be spray paint cans, but each bore a different image. One depicted a goofy-looking face made by [url=https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/newsfeed/000/422/008/760.png]Jak[/url], who most everyone here encountered back in the Paved Wilderness. The other featured a funny-looking [url=https://steamuserimages-a.akamaihd.net/ugc/937184372482652024/C812D58A8C0A9AE5D6D73AE6A59D44C1D2033C45/]Mario[/url]. Next came the blue item, an entire set of iron [url=http://i.imgur.com/csOPsgB.png]horse armor[/url], neatly piled up. Last was a [url=http://ep.yimg.com/ay/yhst-51695279624825/cap-bandana-gears-of-war-2-marcus-fenix-2.gif]skull cap[/url]. Tora blinked twice. Aside from the horse armor, everything seemed like trash. “That it?” In the second box were two whites and two blues. The whites included a [url=https://i.pinimg.com/originals/22/82/2a/22822ad0adf878ca276900ca1fdf1a32.jpg]burn heal[/url] and a [url=https://www.mariowiki.com/images/6/6f/Mallow.gif]sticker[/url] of some cloud guy. However, the box also produced a couple of pretty good-looking [url=https://nioh.wiki.fextralife.com/file/nioh/vassals_armor_m_kote_nioh.jpg]arm guards[/url] and something strange: a glowing piece of what for all intents and purposes appeared to be a strip of skin with a picture of hat kid on it, but with different-colored hair and clothes. Lastly, the third box divulged three blues, and a third color: purple. One blue was a little [url=https://www.gamersdecide.com/sites/default/files/authors/u149482/top-10-charms-in-hollow-knight-5.jpg]charm[/url] with mushrooms on it. Another appeared to be a pair of [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/nuclear-throne/images/a/aa/Long_Arms_Icon_HUD.png/revision/latest?cb=20150126170326]long arms[/url] that floated off the ground, possessing a subtle glow like someone who'd just absorbed a spirit. The last proved to be another scrap of skin, this one bearing the likeness of [url=https://scontent.cdninstagram.com/vp/099f080550114dae3d60675f6026fbf6/5E05B085/t51.2885-15/e35/37534230_287108325212348_8640385270723641344_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-lax3-1.cdninstagram.com&_nc_cat=108]Tora in swimwear[/url]. In seeing it, the Nopon's eyes bugged out, and he hurried to snatch it up and stuff it in a pocket. “Meheh, nothing to see there, meh. Ooh, what that?” he blurted out, trying to draw attention to the last item. It was the [url=https://i.redd.it/50xczs7demsx.jpg]upper part[/url] of what appeared to be a nondescript stealth outfit with highly technological goggles, all sparkling gold. Fascinated by the goggles, Tora picked it up. “So cool!” He put it on its head, probably just to joke around, but the moment he did its fabric started to unwind. “MEH?!” It spread over him like a horde of snakes, knitting itself into a new shape, and in a matter of seconds the piece of gear became a full outfit perfectly adapted for his body shape. Tora stood there for a moment, dumbfounded. Its goggles and mask completely covered his face, muffling his voice. “Hello? For moment everything dark and weird, but now can see very good.” He flapped his wings experimentally, testing the fabric. “Uh, but Tora sorry for touching Mike-Mike's prize. Will try to...meh...take off...” After a moment of prying, the costume seemed to give in, and unraveled itself back off him to assume its former shape. Panting, Tora put it down. “Whoa...it like, adjusting costume anyone can put on.” He withdrew the skin from his pocket, peering at it closely. “This one, and Hatty's, probably only for person pictured. But, uh...Tora not try this, meh.” He put it away again and awkwardly shuffled off. At last, he arrived at the long-awaited food trolley. He took some [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/5/57/Frieg_King_Bean_Tofu.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101004520]fried king bean tofu[/url] and a platter of [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/b/bb/Glazed_Lantern_Fruit_Skewers.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101151621]glazed lanternfruit skewers[/url]. He left the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/2/2c/Braised_Lapizard_Tail.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101151551]braised lapizard tail[/url] and [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/6/69/Stir-Fried_Lapizard_Legs.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/185?cb=20180101151829]stir-fried lapizard legs[/url] for the others, along with the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/5/5c/Candle_Gourd_Soup.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101151553]candlegourd soup[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/3/3f/Slime_Tang_Yuan.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101151743]slime tang yuan[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/1/11/Cheepchi_Century_Egg.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101002615]cheepchi century egg[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/2/2c/Baurun_Spare_Ribs.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20171231234022]baurun spare ribs[/url], [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/battlechefbrigade/images/1/14/Taka_Berry_Jelly.png/revision/latest/scale-to-width-down/180?cb=20180101144805]taka berry jelly[/url], and tropius fruit salad. Dessert could come later. On the way back to his spot, he overheard the Courier talking to Peach. Her highness didn't appear anywhere near as captivated by the potted wiggler and 6 seemed to think she'd be, and she instead made sure it found its way to the guildmarm's desk. She wouldn't be going anywhere anytime soon, after all, and the company of a silly-looking pet might make her day a little easier. Tora ended up passing by Geralt as well, and little too closely thanks to the crowded array of tables. “Meh, 'scuse...” he started, only to choke up when he saw Geralt's scary red eyes. “Whoa! Meeh...Tora mean...whoat a day to make a new friend! Hello and welcome!” He hurried the rest of the way back to his seat and plonked himself down. He pushed the tofu over to Poppi for her to run her olfactory sensors over, then started chomping on the lanternfruit. After a bit, however, paused to speak. “Isn't weird that team still have red-eye in midst? Could turn against us any time,” he told the people to either side of him, being Poppi and the Ace Cadet. “Maybe before head out everyone should beat up, free, and heal? Tora can give heart.” Putting down the tofu, Poppi breathed a sigh of happiness before she passed it back to Tora. “Not bad idea. Even if red-eye person seem normal, if that awful hand appear again, it might take control.” She narrowed her eyes at Geralt. The Witcher sat far enough away that he shouldn't be able to hear her Masterpon's conspiring, but he might notice the extra attention anyway. Meanwhile, with the guildmaster gone again, the guildmarm had to answer Kamek's request. She seemed to be at a loss. “Um, I'm sorry sir. The scouts understandably didn't want to get very close. All I know is that it was big, dark, had a long tail, and stood on two legs. They also said some parts of it glowed.” [center][h3]Nero and V[/h3] [b]Location:[/b] Cathedral Plaza, Dead Zone [@Archmage MC] [@DracoLunaris] [@ProPro] [@Dawnrider] [@Simple Unicycle] [@Genon][/center] Spellbound, Nero and V watched for a few moments as Blazermate attempted to get her zombie thralls to dance. Their twisted musculature and rotting joints made articulate movement difficult, but the medabot worked adamantly, translating her instructions through the Suffering Arm into howls and cries to whip the sorry suckers' cruddy choreography into shape. Eventually her earnest efforts came up against the wall presented by her subjects' collective inability, and Blazermate resigned herself to sitting by the group. Nero couldn't help but give a short, wry laugh along with her at the absurdity of the situation. “Heh. Well, that's something I won't be forgetting anytime soon. But don't get too comfortable. We need to keep moving, and having you around to keep the zombies under control will come in handy.” V designated their path with his cane. At the far side of the plaza from the partially-ruined cathedral was a road leading eastward. The other Qliphoth roots loomed above the city in more or less that direction, visible despite the haze of night fallen over the afflicted city, and that street would take the heroes to their goal. He started to walk, with Griffon taking off to soar ahead, but after only a couple steps was seized by a wracking cough. Almost doubling over, he leaned on his cane, his body clenched in pain. “Ahh...” he intoned after a moment. “Indeed...we have little time to lose.” With V momentarily unwell, Nero took charge of the situation again, looking around at the others. “Alright, let's get ready to go. Heal up, load up, whatever. Nico will find her own way around, so don't worry about her. If you need to have a look around, suit yourself, but we're not waiting.” He watched for a moment as Kamek gave up his minigun to Ratchet before heading off, then turned his attention to Jak and Daxter, who'd taken the Ent's spirit. After a bit of discussion, the former abruptly introduced the spirit to his little friend's chest, who with a yell fell to the ground and began to glow. A moment later the ottsel erupted into a shifting mass of brilliant light and color, but Jak seemed totally nonplussed. Instead he approached V, who had just about recovered his composure. Since what Jak said warranted nothing more than a nod of acknowledgment, V watched what was happening to Daxter with mild curiosity. Before the group's collective eyes, the radiant mass tripled in size, sprouting branchlike protrusions. When the light died down, Daxter was much larger, with wood rather than fur in a number of places, like armor. [center][hider=For Daxter]Rare Spirit Devoured: [url=https://i.ytimg.com/vi/ltDwHy6oKcM/maxresdefault.jpg][b]the Ent[/b][/url] Fusion with the Root behemoth has made Daxter much larger, being about three feet long, and given pauldrons and arm guards of wood, as well as wooden plates along his back, and a wooden lower jaw plate with branch 'beard' roots. Addition smooth, curled branches extend from the shoulder and back plates. Daxter's fur is also now primarily vermillion. Confers the Power [b]Entmight[/b], sharply increasing the impact damage Daxter can deal, to the point where he can send shockwaves along the ground. Also confers the Power [b]Root Rotten[/b], allowing Daxter to exhale clouds of infectious pink pollen that affect all living things with respiratory systems, causing intermittent bouts of paralyzing coughing. The spirit confers the Weakness [b]Heartwood[/b], giving Daxter a glowing weakspot on his chest. Damage to it will always inflict critical damage. It also confers the Weakness [b]Infectious[/b], which means allies in very close proximity to Daxter, even if only for a moment or two, will also be affected by Root Rot.[/hider][/center] When the surprise wore off a few moments later, V tapped his cane by his feet, and a carpet of dark particles appeared beneath him. Without a word he surfed off, using his cane to steer as Shadow carried him across the ground. Nero had already departed, leading the way for the heroes. [hr] The streets that lay in the heroes' path proved to be cluttered with all manner of debris, from wrecked cars to torn-off hunks of buildings, and most of all, zombies. With Blazermate on hand, however, no standard undead could oppose them. With only base instincts to drive their husks forward, they fell under the command of her caterwauls en masse. Their new master's power led to a rather uneventful trip, though on the whole not much more pleasant. Even the air itself in Redgraccoon City stung the lungs, and every step brought one tangibly deeper into this realm of death. Not long after they rounded a corner and the purloined corner store contained therein, a whirring noise from the sky made itself evident. The steady beat drew the eye long before its maker became visible, flying out from behind a tall office building. Sleek and black, the helicopter coasted over the dismal metropolis without any acknowledgment at all of those traveling below. Tracing its path revealed something nobody had yet noticed: a yellow circle of light imprinted on the underside of the clouds, the product of a powerful spotlight aimed straight upward. The helicopter meant to help the beacon's lighters, however, was needing help itself. At a distance, a flock of golden winged [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/bayonetta/images/0/07/Cachet_%26_Compassion.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20141208174257]things[/url] followed the helicopter, getting closer and closer. When they drew near enough, the small ones sprouted blades from their undersides and lunged, but their efforts bore little fruit. It looked like the chopper might escape until the big one got too close, sprouted a giant drill, at tore into the vehicle from behind. Sparks flew, flames came to life, and the helicopter fell from the sky. Neither V nor Nero said anything, but the hastening of their movement said enough. After another few minutes, the group came upon a section of road that had been torn up and raised, as if by an earthquake. A short climb brought them to the top, and afforded them a good look at what lay ahead. The next city block was home to a [url=https://giantbomb1.cbsistatic.com/uploads/original/1/10354/2437082-raccooncityrpd.png]large police station[/url], from whose roof the distress beacon shone. Horrifically, the helicopter from before had crashed into the station itself, buried in one of the corridors on the second floor. To make matters [i]even[/i] worse, the station itself was completely surrounded by a massive horde of zombies. At the moment they kept their distance in a giant, imposing ring, standing in the streets or among other buildings, but the piles of corpses and wreckage around the police station spoke volumes about what must have been a desperate defense lasting multiple days on the part of whoever was holed up inside. The darkness made it hard to tell how many there were, and how many more ravenous swarms awaited unseen. Something moved on the police station roof. A very keen eye could spot two women, [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/god-hand/images/f/f3/Olivia.png/revision/latest?cb=20140212091801]one[/url] with brown hair and the [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/skullgirlsmobile/images/2/2d/MsFortune_Portrait.png/revision/latest?cb=20181017000548]other[/url] with white, peering out over the city. The latter had somehow spotted the newcomers and was trying to get her friend to see them, but nobody could hear either of them.