Again, he cannot directly solve the problem. Bad land will always be bad land until something changes. He also can't make plants spontaneously appear. That said, I don't mind removing those particular abilities, the one where he can revive plants and the one where he can grow plants in bad soil (from a post-game / post-story perspective, he'd probably gain that ability once he becomes a world tree). Would he be eligible if his only power to plant-life were to grow and cultivate existing plants assuming they're alive. If the plant is living in bad soil doing so would only accelerate its death. In exchange to not undermine his power since he is a plant himself more or less, use his own body to grow fruitless weapons such as thorns, vines, and acids, perhaps armor made of bark? Also I might be missing something, did the Silver Sun physically change locations with each loss, moving them to the literal edge of the world? Or is it more symbolic for how much they lost? [Hider=Aspen Brook, World Sapling] [/hider]