[quote=@Foster] 1. In a certain large english-speaking country, there's a law regulating online corrispondance between people over 18 years, and those under that age. This is despite [and takes precedence over] the age of consent being around 16 in most places [give or take 2 years]. 2. People sometimes don't got no filter. Exposing minors to... content their parents obviously may not approve of... resaulting with an awkward meeting with the roleplayer's parents' lawyers and threats of getting extradited to another country's [argueably harsher] legal system. 3. Less likely to get 'fixated' by the smut [since smut is everywhere] so more likely to focus on a story/plot. 4. See point 1... you'd be in triple-deep shit for trying to actually meet each other in person. Doesn't matter how horny the minor is, [i]them's the laws[/i]. Lewdness between minors is allowed, tho... for some reason. >... Please follow the forum rules regarding lewds. [/quote] Many people has answered my question now, thanks man. Well, that's why people take countermeasures. So appearently that's why people ghost me all the time I suppose? Since I am not over 18? If this is the case, man this is going to be hard in the young years apparently. But if I grow older there might be a difference in results and matches as I grow older and older. Man this is just going to be complicated at this point. A hole to the heart basically. It's just gotta keep up the pace I guess. I know this is for everyone's best and stuff. I do not seek for smut, just saying. Like a normal roleplay where I can innovate ideas with my partners. Then play them to the test to see if it works! But I wont give up, I'll keep striving. So feel free to ask me questions or I don't know.