[center][img]https://www.pngkey.com/png/full/391-3919368_file-unsc-symbol-logo-halo-wars-the-great.png[/img][/center] [center][h2]UNSC [i]Unbroken Hope[/i][/h2][/center] [h3]1332 Hours, April 19th 2550 (Military Calendar) / Unknown system, Unknown sector.[/h3] --------------------- Team Omicron / [i]Immaculate Ageis[/i] CiC / Interacting with: [@EliteCommander] --------------------- "So that was what the 'false gods' were about. Onboard the first delegation meeting." Adam quipped. One of the Spartans seemed to audibly scoff at the mention of John-117, while the last one in the back of the group simply remained quiet. Kendra remained silent for a few seconds in case Issac was going to speak up, but the voice never came out. Taking her opportunity, she spoke up as they were led through the halls. "It certainly clears things up, but I will warn you that anything from them will be perceived as an act of aggression, former allegiances or current. We're just here to get a job done, Ma'am." Kendra said matter-of-factually. That was to say she wasn't going to be making any first moves, but she wasn't in control of what the Elites might do. They were equals, and she knew that they would deliberately pursue Spartans in the midst of combat if it was a ground war. The mere fact that her team was on a ship full of them was enough to briefly send a chill up her spine. Regardless, she'd make sure her purpose here was fulfilled to the best of her ability. As the group filed through the intricate, abstract and insanely violet halls of the CAS Assault Carrier, they finally reached their intended destination. Having never seen a Covenant laboratory before, the setup of intermixed Human and Elite technologies to fill the bridges between the two distinct sciences both disgusted and amused her. Regardless, she soon spotted a podium with a familiar looking slot. Approaching it, she took a silent breath as she reached behind her and yanked the DCC out of the helmet's slot. Another torrential flood of pain, but it quickly passed as she transferred the DCC into the podium. Issac's form flickered into existence; the figure's body now coated in streams of black data running vertically down alongside his form. He seemed to be almost in a daze as he looked around the room, obviously seeing something that all of them couldn't. Finally, his awestricken, slackjawed smile faded as he blinked and came to his senses- before running an arm across his mouth and looking at O'Connell. "Sorry, might've been drooling a tad." Issac spoke up after taking a deep breath, appearing to do a series of isometric stretches as he prepared to access the ship's subsystems. "Alright... [i]Primus-pattern[/i] Covenant borer- efficiency is at 100%. For its universal standards, anyway. To optimize the borer's efficacy for Slip-jumps capable of matching FTL capabilities of this universe, you're looking at one of two possibilities. The first is to augment the reactor to be able to spool up faster during a jump; which would sacrifice some of the 'surgical precision' to calculate an accurate destination solution. It would also entirely invalidate the 'microjump' capabilities of the borer; trading off for jumping with increased speed and a larger distance. Something I can do right now, actually. The section option would be to analyze the drive specifications of an enemy ship from this universe, bring it to the fabricator station and have it constructed to be installed in replace of the borer. Unfortunately, I'm not sure that's the best overall option at the moment seeing as everyone's on a time crunch- plus, that would be incredibly hazardous to our current operations. Issac looked to O'Connell. "I'm willing to converse with the Shipmaster to relay just what I intend to do. Whenever he's not occupied, that is." Kendra looked to Issac, then back to O'Connell. "I assume that's something you understand."