Joey smirked, glad to see the fire back in Serena's eyes. Red-Eyes Black Dragon lowered, where they could climb on his back. Joey became the gentleman and let Serena get on before himself. "Let's get going bud'! Time to go close the portal!" And once everyone was on, the dragon took off. Yami nodded then and looked to the portal. Better to wait then to charge in now with who they have now so they did not understimate the monster within. Mahad looked to Yugi and could see his concern. They were both the best thing Yami had to family and friendship. Now it would seem the magician would need to inform Yugi on what Yami was most likely thinking. "It is feeling and thoughts that Yami has not been able to place and understand where they belong. In this case it would be with Serena. He seems to feel a familiarity yet he cannot place it. He knows that he must protect her. Yet she is meant to protect him. He wants to have faith in her abilities and being at her side when she wanted to take on a task would feel like disgracing her because of where she seemed to be within his court." Mahad explained to Yugi in hopes that maybe he would see Yami confliction.