[color=6ecff6][b][h3]Terneus Andros[/h3][/b][/color] The light elven governor shuddered as he heard a voice in the near distance, it was not because of how the voice itself sounded, but how it addressed him. Him of all people. He who shone brightest of all the elven stars, the only one to guide the broken elven race. Driven weak by politics and the filthy dark elven plague, not to mention the lich to which even he now had to answer to. Terneus despised having to bow before Aklenroth, but there was no chance to defeat him. Many had tried and failed, as powerful and as beautiful as he still regarded himself. In the lich lords presence he would pale. This fact was a constant gnawing disease eating away at not only Terneus, but all of the light elves with the purer blood. To Terneus there were two kind of light elves, those who were true and proper elves and those which were not and were susceptible to dark elven antics. The very thought brought him back to thinking of his brother of all people, and that caused his eyebrows to twitch in irritation. The governor turned around dramatically and set his eyes on who had called him out without his title, and motioned for his men to turn around and line up. Whereof commander Feldrin saluted the dark elven commander with a straight face, Feldrin was a highly conservative and thoughtful elf unlike Terneus and had no issue in formal greetings no matter the race. His superior, Terneus however would have none of that. He leaned over to commander Feldrin. [b][color=6ecff6]"Whose this?"[/color][/b] He asked in a hushed manner. [i][color=6ecff6]'He dares to address me without my titles? Such arrogance from such an unclean creature...'[/color][/i] [b][color=7bcdc8]"This is commander Xenelith Dreadclaw, serving under the king. And Commander Leandron serving under him."[/color][/b] Feldrin explained in a hushed manner, to whereof Terneus raised an arrogant and noble eyebrow as he turned to look Xenelith over, now taking a few steps closer. [b][color=6ecff6]"I, I am Lord Terneus Andros, governor of the light elves, protector of the realm, loyal servant of the king, richest in wealth and beauty on this side of the kingdom and the leader of the Androsian knights, which happen to be named after my prestigious family."[/color][/b] Terneus said in a very self-important manner, his hand on his waist as if posing for a royal painting, his head raised high and chest puffed out slightly. [b][color=6ecff6]"I will forgive your lack of formality due to your lack of knowing better, commander Dreadclaw. I cannot imagine the schooling in the exiled lands be of the same quality as amongst -my- people. Oh and certainly, I have indeed. But not only you."[/color][/b] He took a moment to sound conceited and high and mighty. [b][color=6ecff6]"But all servants of the king, we cannot have rebel elements running amok. It appears you are incapable of doing this work on your own, be it a lack of manpower or something else, so that I have to come down and mingle with the commoners to see things done properly."[/color][/b] Terneus allowed one of his hands to caress his frilled shirt, as he reached into his pocket to take out a napkin to place before his nose. [b][color=6ecff6]"By the heavens, see to it that you bathe yourself and your men commander, if I am to be settled with having yet two more commanders. At least clean yourselves up, as much as you can. I suppose you cannot remove every filth you happen to come across, some is far deeper rooted than the skin. Just like the orcs."[/color][/b] He chuckled to himself in a manner which implied that he expected his men to join him in it, which they did after giving oneanother a few looks. [color=6ecff6][i]'You disgusting piece of exile filth, your exile has indeed made you even more wicked and vile. I would throw up, would my breakfast not be more valuable than your life. To tolerate your existance, this is surely a test from the gods themselves. To be settled with this deformed and perversion of a creature. To even think some may even have considered it to be part of our race. How completely unbelievable.'[/i][/color] The governor thought to himself, as he waited for Xenelith to reply to him.