Lucy shook her head to Henry’s suggestion about Faith. “That’s a very dangerous assumption to make. It is true that Faith didn’t like Jezebel much towards the end, but they were friends in the past. It’s possible she entered the room to talk things out. Barring that, she could have entered her room with the intent to kill her. There are [i]plenty[/i] of reasons Faith could have willingly entered Jezebel’s room. We should be focusing on what the physical evidence tells us.” Lucy was more accepting of Henry’s next statement. “I did not notice her either. So it’s possible she had already swapped with Jezebel at that time.” Henry then tried to get Jezebel and Zachary to say something. “I remember like… Talking with Zachary.” Jezebel was still dressed up as faith. “We were totally having coffee just like we do every morning. We were just talking and junk, and like, I woke up under my bed dressed in Faith’s clothes. This totally feels like a dream.” Meanwhile, things on the other side of the court room were heating up. Ice gave Daimyon a nod. “See?” He looked back at Emily. “Even the poet knows you are the only one who could have done it! You used the handbook to get out of the room, drag faith in, swapped their outfits, and committed murder!” “Mph!” Emily took a deep breath. “Well, I didn’t expect Daimyon to metaphorically roll over on me so fast. But considering I nearly killed him after doing that literall-” “So you set the trap too!” Emily’s face turned red. “No! I did no such thing! I was talking about the time I almost landed on him!” She groaned. “Look. The handbook was left in the room, just like Daimyon said. It was in the exact same spot when we returned. Because like I said, [b]I left the room without it, locking me and everyone else out of the room![/b] I was only able to open the door because [b]for whatever reason, it can be opened from the inside without the handbook![/b]” Ice scoffed. “Or so you claim, pitchfork! There’s nothing proving everything you say isn’t a lie!” The sound of Cyrus’s glasses cracking caused Ice to flinch. “…But we should not overlook any possibilities.” The politician folded his arms. “It is possible that this entire crime was orchestrated by Emily, But then why did she change their clothes? Why kill someone in a room only she had access to? We should consider all possibilities, because there are a lot of items in that room that don’t make sense yet.” Cyrus addressed everyone present. “Can anyone think of any other way the door might have been opened?” Max was scrolling through his own handbook when he looked up. “Oh.” He stood up. “Does anyone know what the murder weapon was yet?” Lucy winced. “I would guess some fine wire was used to strangle her, looking at the bruising. But we didn’t find anything in Jezebel’s room. But their was hay all over the floor, which made finding something like that difficult.” “That’s what I thought. Just making sure.” Max continued to browse.