Oberon’s attention was drawn towards the hill above their cave; the Goblin party had appeared and the results of his spell were pushed to the back of his mind and ignored as more important matters took precedent. The group was a little different than it was yesterday; Rags was still there, of course, as was the goat, but the larger Goblin with the oversized sword of human make was definitely a new addition. He didn’t look comfortable holding a weapon clearly not meant for someone his size, like a child playing with his father’s weapon albeit with a lot more lethal intent, and he wore less armour than the other Goblin’s in the group. Even so Oberon could easily see this Goblin being a threat; perhaps he was Rags second in command, or at least his enforcer or his muscle. That Rags brought him along at all must mean he was strong; strong enough to make Rags feel more confident dealing with a magic wielding Demiblin and his three ‘pets’. It didn’t escape the Sprite’s notice that all of the Goblin’s in Rags group, with the exception of Mahya, seemed to be warriors of some kind; that wasn’t a surprise nor even particularly suspicious given the potential for violence here. It did mean they needed to be cautious however, both because it meant Rags was expecting a fight and because they might be in trouble if one broke out. Digbie wanted to lead the negotiations and Oberon was content to let him do so, if only because the Goblin leader expected it and because a talking Sprite or Pygmy Drake might freak them out. The Demiblin’s demands from the previous day had been met, in a sense, but not in the way Digbie had expected; the clothing was clearly not sized properly for someone of his stature and the female Goblin walking towards him… Oberon was fairly sure Digbie had asked for someone to become his squire and he was also fairly sure Rags had no idea what that word meant. Instead he’d brought along the kind of Goblin most male Goblin’s would want when they asked for a female to be brought to them. The misunderstanding would almost be funny if it wasn’t quite so weird. Frankly, the current situation wasn’t a laughing matter of any kind. Oberon felt uneasy with the way things were right now, with the potential for violence from both sides. Rags and the sword Goblin may have walked down into the camp to conduct the talk with Digbie but that still left the other two to watch over them all from above, something which concerned the Sprite. Torrent was hiding somewhere, ready to throw herself into a fight if she felt the impulse and there wasn’t a good way for any of them to signal her to hold back. Ash herself was a wildcard, the person Oberon had spent the least amount of time with, and he had no idea what she would do here. Strangely enough the one most likely to cause a fight to break out was that damn goat Rags had ridden in on, a creature which clearly wasn’t tamed despite being leashed. If the Goblin’s released it on Digbie request then who knew what it would do. For now all Oberon could do was wait and see what happened. His best option was to position himself as best he could to deal with it, whatever [i]it[/i] turned out to be. He was still standing by the stream so he began to walk along its length in a way that brought him closer to their cave and the group with the goat; he was already standing separate from the main group of Rags, Digbie, Ash and the sword Goblin and he continued to keep his distance from them now, walking around them rather than towards them. As he did so he used Monster and Magic Analysis on the sword Goblin, just in case he was something more than just a normal Goblin, then used Magic Analysis again to find out his weaknesses. As he walked he activated Gather Light, keeping his pace slow as he did so that the ability wouldn’t be disrupted. He was low on Mana after his attempts to create the Mana Saw and would need every bit of magic he could muster if this went south. [hider=Action Report] Used "Monster Analysis II" on Sword Goblin Used "Magic Analysis IV" on Sword Goblin Used "Magic Analysis IV" again on Sword Goblin Activate "Gather Light I" [/hider] [@Zeroth][@Gardevoiran][@Old Amsterdam][@Rune_Alchemist]