Lizard Fighter kept circling the overgrown sow as she shook her head. Seemingly not caring that he had purposefully flung dirt and sand at its eyes to blind it. Well physically she didn't react, but he could see some sort of insult in its eyes. Stupid boars, to big and smart for their own good some times. He readied himself as she squealed and reared up before the guards voice rang out to use something. A flick of his eyes and he saw the burning branch, which got that long tail to scoop it up before it dropped into his free hand. Wild animals weren't keen with fire. It was the brightness and the heat that scared them, nevermind the pain of getting toasted. But it was day time, so no brightness. Holding the burning branch out he kept it between himself and the female boar. A twitch and he shifted it so the flames roared a bit and sent a wave of heat at the enlarged porkchop. Another voice range out as he leaped to the side, avoiding the boars charge at the last second, assuming the fire hadn't made it change direction. The druid had freed the piglet that had caused this whole damn mess. Slowly he began to back away, keeping his blade up at the ready and the rather large torch between himself and the pigs. [color=red]"A winged spear would be too circumstantial to keep around, but it would have been handy here. Maybe next time just silence the young?"[/color] He called out, some grumpiness lacing his tone while he kept those vigilant eyes on his opponent. Making sure she wouldn't charge again.