[u][i]Yes[/i][/u] [hr] Falling. It's a sensation that is rarely ever met with celebration. This situation, is, indeed, not an exception to this fact. For the moment that a certain set of individuals selected the 'yes' option on a set of mysterious letters, they suddenly found themselves far away from home. Also far away from the ground. Indeed, the experience of falling several hundred meters down to the surface of the earth was hardly one to be celebrating about. For that matter, it was quite a terrifying one. It was also easy to perceive that this was most certainly not the location they had been in prior. Below the falling figures, a forest was rapidly rushing upwards to meet them. It seemed to be the only thing that was excited about this arrangement, given how swiftly it seemed to be hurtling towards them. Their specific destination seemed to be a clearing near a small lake, but that really didn't make this any better, now, did it? Indeed, it seemed as if whoever had summoned them had made a critical error, and that they were all about to die extremely untimely deaths. What a disappointment. How subversive. No-one will expect [i]this[/i] ending. Only that didn't happen at all. The moment, the very instant, that anyone who didn't manage to compensate for the fall was about to hit the ground... they suddenly slowed down to a stop, floating momentarily half a meter above the ground. They were then dropped somewhat uncerimoniously to the earth, but otherwise they were entirely unharmed. With a somewhat less terrifying situation occurring around them, now, it was possible to perhaps preceive their surrounds somewhat more. It was a forest. There didn't seem to be anything but trees around, though the calling of birds and insects was definitely audible. The lake nearby was completely pure and glittering and pristine, so clear the fish beneath the surface could be seen quite clearly. The sky was blue, with not a cloud in sight. And some of the bushes nearby were shifting strangely, as if something was hiding nearby... [hr] The tan-skinned girl's thick tail swished back and forth. She didn't realize she was doing it, the scaly appendage rustling the bushes around her as she peered at the result of her handiwork. That was six people! Six had answered! To be honest, she hadn't expected more then three, this was even better then she had hoped. Folding her arms under her chest, she couldn't help but give herself a metaphorical pat on the back, smiling with pride. They all looked like they were... well, at the very least they had to be useful if not powerful. Ah... was it okay for her to be smiling so smugly to herself?! It had to be, after she did such a great job! Tail still swishing back and forth, the draconic girl nodded to herself in a self-satisfied way. This was their path forward. These would be the people who would save her community! Of course, now she had to decide how to introduce herself. Yes, yes... she needed to really convey who she was perfectly, give a great first impression, and educate them about the new world they found themselves in! But how could she do that...? 'I am Lila Loren Lovelace, and Welcome to the World of Nova Terra'? 'Hello, Champions from other Worlds! I am Lila Loren Lovelace, the one who summoned you here'? 'Greetings, o Champions, as one of Nova Terra's aristocrats I welcome you'? No, no... she had to make the perfect first impression! She was feeling so good about this now, Lila couldn't allow herself to say something silly and make herself look foolish! This was for the sake of her community, after all. She had to give them all a great first impression! She had to introduce them all to their new world! So, she couldn't mess this up! Right? [@Raineh Daze][@Rin][@Styrgwyr][@RolePlayerRoxas][@TheFake][@Pyromania99][@Crimson Paladin][@ghastlyInc][@Rune_Alchemist][@1Charak2]