[hider=Kingdom of Ascia (NPC-ish)][hr] [center][h3]𝗞𝗜𝗡𝗚𝗗𝗢𝗠 𝗢𝗙 𝗔𝗦𝗖𝗜𝗔[/h3][/center] [hr] [indent][u][b]Government Type[/b] [/u][/indent][indent][indent]Absoulte Monarchy with heavy corporations influence and insight.[/indent][/indent] [indent][u][b]Demographics[/b] [/u][/indent][indent][indent]74% Humans 25.7% Humans with augmentations 0.3% Other[/indent][/indent] [indent][u][b]Economy[/b] [/u][/indent][indent][indent]While Atlas provides tourism to those venturing to the Frontier, Ascia offers world-class defense to those that can afford it. [/indent][/indent] [indent][u][b]Military[/b] [/u][/indent][indent][indent]Overall, their military is primarily defensive and wouldn't have been able to go on the offensive. Both the fleet and army have defense operations and protocol in place of offensive. They are focus on defending citizens and important assets from pirates. They also have a Defense Intelligence Agency for the possibility of a cyber warfare. The government considers defense to be an important tactic and its teach often to personnel. Meanwhile, the ground forces contains standard firearms and armors with an understanding of defense doctrines.[/indent][/indent] [hr][/hider]