"Oh." Kamiko's surprised exclamation was lost to the winds as she found herself falling from a great height. It was so sudden, she'd barely answered that strange invitation before finding herself in this predicament. She couldn't deny the thrilling sense of danger filling her, but the young Sword Saint showed no fear beyond the initial shock. A fall from this height may be lethal, but only if she failed to make a proper landing. Several others seemed to be in the same boat as her, but she could hardly worry about them for the moment. Her own safety came first. Kamiko shifted her body, bracing for impact, when she noticed a large serpent merge... no, it was one of her impromptu skydiving companions? That was certainly unexpected, but she saw an opportunity arise. The serpent was directly beneath her, crashing to the earth below. It's body had to be slightly softer as a landing point, and given how big it was... Luckily however, something slowed her descent before she crashed into the giant serpent. Her body felt light as the surprised warrior righted her posture once more. She came to a soft landing atop the serpent's head, surveying the forest from her perch. Despite standing on top of what could very well be a hostile monster, in a foreign land she just fell into from the sky, her hand was only loosely resting on the grip of her katana - the non-cursed blade. "...How fortunate. I didn't have to risk breaking a leg..." she murmured to herself, and watched the rest of the falling figures fall to the earth.