[hider=Union of Independent colonies]Nation Sheet Nation Name/Flag:The Union of Independent colonies [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/06285c8d-7036-4c74-b66a-1c71c1b5bf4f.png[/img] Government Type: Head of state/ senate. Demographics: Humans: 56% Humans aren't really anything special, They are great at adapting to planets and what they lack in natural resistance and talent they make up with their technology. They work in every position from garbage man to important positions within the military and civilian government. Krunt: 10%: These native pre-industiral lifeforms are large humanoid sentient creatures that can easily tear a human in half. often one of various shades of brown. Off of first appearance one would assume they are aggressive killing machines that know little other then that, as they tend to care little for most lesser beings. Their culture is more refined than one would presume, consisting of vibrant art,poetry,philosophy,Literature that is very insightful and shows a very intellectual and wise mind set held by the majority of the population. Found as the planet T-234, now dubbed New liberty, the Krunt were found to be the native population. As first contact began a small colony was allowed to be constructed in the southern hemisphere of the planet. After years of coexistence, the Krunt finally petitioned for entry into the union. The Newly inducted Krant fill the roles of soldiers and construction and Laborers. they are well renowned for their rolls as shock troopers in the military and as bodyguards to VIPs. The Shas: 20% A Reptilian native population. Like humans these humanoid nomads lacked any significant natural advantage. Cala 10%: A race of humanoids that resembled anthropomorphic cats. A race on the edge of the extinction when allowed to join the UIC. A former primitive tribal civilization. while a new nation within the UIC they tend to keep to themselves but they can be found within every position with society. They view the races of the UIC as gods and have vowed to serve them even though the UIC has done their best to change that belief. Yog'sloth 4%: These entities with spider-like body, With a short tail and a head with many bulbous eyes and has six-fingered hands on seven arms. They have reptilian talons on its two legs and are capable of complex thought and are very friendly in stark contrast to their hideous appearance. Skilled at engineering, multi tasking and are herbivorous. They are very long lived and don't reproduce often, mainly in part due to their long lives. They don't seem to care for much other then tinkering with machines and learning about the new galactic community. Economy:Stable, has a large number of natural resources on their colony claims. Like wise produces a number of alcoholic spirits,tobacco,food stuffs and the reliable [url=https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/firefly/images/1/11/Firefly_class_ship.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20090714124528]Liberty Class Ships[/url], popular among freight hauler,ferrying people from world to world and smugglers within the region. The local currency is the Script Military:The military of UIC is a volunteer force consisting of three branches. In the following Camo patterns [hider=Camo patterns]Desert:[img]http://images.squarespace-cdn.com/content/v1/524df78fe4b0b2a8d9f7c12f/1395934484608-QA711NMHNSU40LAZOM9M/ke17ZwdGBToddI8pDm48kPWm3TCfsRRskcL5Mb96lFh7gQa3H78H3Y0txjaiv_0fDoOvxcdMmMKkDsyUqMSsMWxHk725yiiHCCLfrh8O1z5QPOohDIaIeljMHgDF5CVlOqpeNLcJ80NK65_fV7S1UeW_k0oAvaseZdARI_diNsiA7hphcKvHupHr61vhCVFz-l8SbqEQETXtWSViB8Fp2g/marines-desert-marpat.jpg[/img] Woodland:[img]https://garden.spoonflower.com/c/1577333/r/s/d-i-21/XtAH_fFW1rzKzRaDkAD9tnACbCIo18gxl3o/1577333-marine-marpat-digital-woodland-camo-by-ricraynor.jpg[/img] Space:[img]https://www.dhresource.com/0x0/f2/albu/g7/M00/5E/03/rBVaSlsZTPOAPBoIAAI1oBT5xdc682.jpg[/img] Winter: [img]http://prepare-and-protect.net/wp-content/uploads/2015/11/HyperStealth-Camopat-Winter.jpg[/img][/hider] Ground Command ((GCom)) [hider=UIR Gear] Uniform : [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/084/541/large/trevor-claxton-malesoldiertrumpfinal.jpg?1510358867[/img] In varying camo patterns Weapons: [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/271/166/large/nate-temple-looking-for-work-weapons-x3.jpg?1414403591[/img] [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/012/933/660/large/serge-samsonov-04-end-sniper.jpg?1537261440[/img] [img]https://cdn.shopify.com/s/files/1/1915/8197/products/Capture3__50780.1478478481.1280.1280_740x.jpg?v=1531247460[/img] light Skinned Vehicles: [img]https://i.kinja-img.com/gawker-media/image/upload/ex8w13fbz9tyoxlyf6wh.jpg[/img] [img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/91/f9/a9/91f9a92442857c93a9261760db0b26f5.jpg[/img] [img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/d1c5b26d-0f89-44d1-b2ad-9929491b4e09.png[/img] Bipedal assault robots mark 1-4 (BARs): [img]https://i.pinimg.com/474x/c5/4c/b6/c54cb644e971b6870d14c1944bb7e020--assault-rifle-rifles.jpg[/img] These robots provide a huge boost in man power. These bots are often just as smart of their human counter parts, with a number of officer marks being given AI for a boost in combat and a personality. (Personality is optional with it deigned by the commanding officer.) Assault walker: Modular Assault Walker "Maws"[img]https://cdn-static.denofgeek.com/sites/denofgeek/files/styles/main_wide/public/3/46/titanfall_2.jpg?itok=AAMxuILW[/img] Main Battle Tank:[img]https://i.redd.it/7bcq1baimr501.jpg[/img] Multi role Vehicle:[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/4d42a833-a745-4e00-8b14-3983c6e79c09.png[/img] Air assets:A-28 Modular gunship A,T,H models[img]https://img.roleplayerguild.com/prod/users/ef848c4f-4d59-45a3-a006-9f7e1b571fcc.png[/img] Capable of air support and troop deployment. Can carry two squads of 13 troops each and a number of close air support options. Air assault is possible in these gunships. Rapid reponse assault gunships. RRAG's[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/e0/e0/0f/e0e00f3830ff66a64482c02221bddaf0.jpg[/img] This gunship can deploy two squads Wasp Gunship:[img]https://media.sketchfab.com/models/42e6df66631a42fb8720e2c5453fd66f/thumbnails/05943142b4784214973376571bf8d447/21ecfef881aa4b37a46ea781d36b3c7e.jpeg[/img] The Wasp offers a major punch for ODT's, air assault and airborne units. [/hider] [hider=GroundComm Sub branches]The Army: [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/008/084/541/large/trevor-claxton-malesoldiertrumpfinal.jpg?1510358867[/img]The Life blood of the UIC ground forces. These men and women serve in Brigade combat teams, offering a good level of flexibility. While not the best equipped force in the cosmos, they will toe the line and fight with knowledge that they may be the only thing standing between their freedom and occupation of another. Stands as the largest military organization within the UIC Rangers: [img]https://pm1.narvii.com/6102/9e87593abbc8b74dbc64d8276bb3ce19dc16bc83_hq.jpg[/img] These men and women are the pride of the UIC ground forces. These men and women survive one of the harshest training regimes within the UIC MIlitary. Trained in asymmetrical warfare and close in combat, and is often dropped behind enemy lines or in support of friendly units as adviors and to help secure the landing of other UIC forces. During peace times they fill the role of a highly trained police force trained in counter insurgency. Militia command: [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/000/915/049/large/robb-shoberg-f-mcor-dm.jpg?1443929210[/img] In times of great conflict The average citizenry of the UIC will stand by their guardians in uniform and defend their homes. varying in equipment, morale and supply these Militias will die fighting for their homes. While not a official branch or subbranch this department boasts the largest amount of personnel, though during peace time maintained by a skeleton crew to keep up files and maintenance. [/hider] Fleetcom Consists of all the personnel to maintain,man, protect and supply all the ships,platforms and ground based sites The UIC ships are identified as UNS [hider=Ships] Fleet Carrier:[img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/010/114/306/large/german-impache-mpc-962-new.jpg?1522670563[/img] The Liberty class carrier provides hundreds of varying craft to provide a number of needs. Capable of providing air and space supremacy,Capital ship bomber strikes, and strike ground targets. Capable of carrying two thousand marines, a fleet carrier can even deploy troops. Escort Carrier [img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/312/467/large/brennan-massicotte-69278446-10217559266706152-3964747588690771968-o.jpg?1567281072[/img] These Liberator Class escort carrier provides just above 150 craft offer a number of options for offensive and defensive operations. carrying a number of strike craft,Air/space superiority fighters, and heavy bombers. Cruiser:[img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/312/079/large/brennan-massicotte-battlefield-a06-1.jpg?1567279277[/img] The Vitelli Class Cruiser is a multi-role ship, Caring up to 16 fighters and battleship caliber weapons, these quick ships can get in and out and take the role of ships of the line. While it can do everything, it doesn't accel in any aspect often outclassed by role spcific ships. Transport: [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/020/967/292/large/alexander-ivanov-pel-reb-9.jpg?1569869761[/img] The Anderson class is capable of transporting a company of infantry or a squadron of armor of planetside. The Anderson's claim to fame is its tough armor, often said to take a Battleship round and still work, the Anderson is trusted to get the land forces on the ground. Armed with 75mm high explosive ant tank slinging front mounted guns. Screening ship:[img]https://i.pinimg.com/originals/6e/5e/57/6e5e57098b538451e62ef28dc08a2d6b.jpg[/img] The Wilson class destroyer designed to protect the fleet from torpedoes and enemy fighter craft with its Electronic warfare suites and a number of point defense weapons. When not being used to defend the fleet the Wilson class can use torpedoes and missiles to assist its bigger siblings in taking out enemy ships. Heavy system transport:[img]https://miro.medium.com/max/1080/0*7VXdvt6NY65O7YPs.png[/img] The Hera Class System transport is the heavy troop and material transport for the fleet. capable of transporting several divisions long with drop ships , and armed with point defense weapons these ships are capable of fending off most attacks. Multi-role fighter: [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/001/837/632/large/victor-kam-gunship-01.jpg?1453501413[/img] Harpy fighters. Armed with 22mm rpeating auto cannons and flexablity on muntions the Harpy acts as the Navy's primary fighter. Bomber: [img]https://cdna.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/015/875/396/large/angelos-karderinis-bwing13.jpg?1550004921[/img] The Marauder Fighter-bomber is armed with three twinlinked heavy caliber 40mm guns. along with internal storage for a significant payload. Orbital defense Station: [img]https://encrypted-tbn0.gstatic.com/images?q=tbn%3AANd9GcRv2S_6FpIvIJK_gUDgmdmP5YPDr3QGorXZGS8L2V3KeWS1JSYq[/img] The Oden Platforms are large defense platforms armed with heavy caliber anti capital ship weapons,fighter and bomber bays and a number of point defense systems, Ground Orbital Defense site: [img]http://www.hammondrobotics.com/team_3.jpg[/img] The GODS are heavy anti Orbital weapons. Designed to defend air space, these sites are often built with defense anti air missiles and anti drop ship auto cannons. These sites are well defended by infantry and armor. Heavy transport: [img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/firefly/images/9/96/A_komodo_lone.jpg/revision/latest?cb=20150417195200[/img] [/hider] The Firefly class transport-ship is capable of transporting large amounts of personnel and supplies. Naval Marine Command ((MarCom)) The Space borne force of the UIC,While capable of transporting themselves they rely heavily on the navy for protection. Usually deployed as an expeditionary force, a air-ground task force capable of sustained ground combat, offering a hard hitting punch as the tip of the spear in most offensives. [hider=NM Command Forces and uniform]Union of Independent Colonies Marine Corps "ICMC"[img]https://cdnb.artstation.com/p/assets/images/images/005/334/107/large/dmitry-koval-assault-set2.jpg?1490280730[/img] Orbital Drop Troopers[img]https://i.redd.it/tglts2nd3tw11.jpg[/img] ODT assault ship: [img]https://computersplace.net/images/spaceship-17.jpg[/img] The Shadow Corvette is the ship of the ODT, capable of transporting a company of ODT across UIC space comfortably. These ships are able to drop a platoon at a time into a hot zone. While famous for use with ODT Rangers make use of a specialized version for covert insertions on enemy planets. The ODT use the same air support options as the Regular army when available[/hider] History: Originally the UIC was nothing more then a bunch of different colonies built on the fringe to mine for companies in the core world. after a number of years of near total abandonment, Five systems outright seceded from the companies. Lead by the colonies of Tanith ,Hera, Osiris and Persephone a bloody military conflict began between the newly formed UIC and the corporate forces of the companies. Originally thought to be over in days, the war ended up lasting 11 months, with the Independents putting up fierce resistance on their home planets. Being a frontier world, it was not uncommon for families to own weapons Supplied with heavy weapons from looted garrison bases and smugglers running supplies, the Independents were capable of putting up major resistance. Early battles saw the spirit and determination of the colonies as they fought for what a was theirs. Battles at New Alexandra and Horizon became quagmires of close in fighting and hit and run combat, often ending with heavy losses to both sides. On the moon of Serenity, a major agricultural center for the independents at the time, millions fought in died in a bloody siege that would end only after nine months when the treaty of Persephone was signed. This treaty putting an end to the hostilities and giving the UIC their freedom. On the anniversary of the treat, not dubbed Liberation day, is considered a national holiday. With the people celebrating and paying their respects to their local war memorial. The rich and lucky may even get a chance to visit the rocky valley of Serenity and the national war memorial where Major Vitelli and his troops ground the corporate forces into a bloody stalemate. In the Generations since the War, the UIC has recovered from the war and has finally started to interact more on the galactic playing field. While harsh and unforgiving at times, the UIC's frontier worlds offer the greater amount of protection then the neighboring independent colonies. The UIC core planets of Tanith, Hera, Osiris and Persephone offer a more civilized world, While not considered anywhere close to a core world, these worlds are the Hubs of the nation and provided everything from Ammunition, vehicles and food to high fashion and universities. Characters: James Hale Race: Human Age: 35 Sex: Male position: head of state. Bio: Former Drop trooper, Combat veteran, Was recently sworn in Marisol Martinez Race: Human Age: 34 Sex:Female position: Vice Head of state. Bio: Former Navy Officer, second term in office. Casis Mensis Race: Shas Age:25 Sex:Female Position: Head Diplomat Bio: Born from one of the southern tribes. Artemis Vitelli Race: Human Age:42 Sex:Male Position:Military head of the Groundcomm forces. Bio: Born on the capital of Persephone, decedent of General Adam Vitelli, original head the Rag tag military during the war for liberation. Tuka Race: Krunt age:22 Sex:Female Position: One body guard of the head of state. Bio:Born on the moon of New Liberty, Miles Reynolds Race:Human Age:23 Sex:Male Position: Junior officer within the 237th ODT Brigade Bio: Born on the moon of Haven, Loving father and husband. Graduated from the New Texan University "NTU" with a degree in Education, He is currently serving due to his acceptance of a Military scholar ship and attendance of the Schools Officer's cadet classes. [/hider] [hider=The Militia] Organization Sheet Organization Name:The Frontier's Militia Emblem:[img]https://vignette.wikia.nocookie.net/titanfall/images/a/aa/Militia_Faction_Logo.png/revision/latest?cb=20140504233241[/img] Motto: morior invictus Affiliation: UIC Leadership: council of the most senior members Military/Civilian Assets: The Militia consists of a Navy and and a ground force. The navy consists of ten fleet carriers and supporting battleships,cruisers and various other ships. Budget:Being supplied by both the UIC and it various client nations, the Militia is a well funded and well trained mercenary force within the UIC sphere of influence. History:Born out of the Fires of war the Militia was formed with a singular purpose, to protect the Frontier. The men and women of the Militia offers some serious fire power to independent nations and the UIC. Characters: General Chan General Williams General Shepard Major McAllen Admiral Heart [/hider]