Again Lucien chuckled. [color=burlywood]"Well, I won't deny that."[/color] He said a little amusingly as he continued to drink. It was then clear by the way Faolan spoke that he was in no way fond of wine. [color=burlywood]"You're breaking my heart, Faolan. It's the drink of my people."[/color] He said, though his tone was light, he was clearly not offended by it. He understood everyone had different tastes. [color=burlywood]"Well, you don't [i]have[/i] to drink wine, it can be anything else. I understand wanting to keep your sense of awareness, but would one drink really do that to you?"[/color] He asked, looking at him curiously. [color=burlywood]"Are you that much of a.. What's it called?"[/color] He paused, trying to remember the word. [color=burlywood]"Lightweight?"[/color] His tone wasn't taunting in any way, in fact he wasn't trying to trick him into drinking, but he was just genuinely curious, since this topic of alcohol didn't come up often. It was his chance to learn a lot more about the Irishman.