Hey there and here goes! [quote]Her nails are kept long and filed into points, laced with a different toxin every week. Usually, they are believed to be non-lethal unless an individual is physically weak. [/quote] Sounds eccentric and none too practical. [quote]She’s tried to fail through.[/quote] What do you mean by this? [quote]Her methods vary from harsh, degrading words to using toxins with a various range of effects. Her toxins are difficult to find in the body and even harder to trace back to her since she teaches every student in her class to create different toxins weekly. Just because she collects the projects, doesn’t mean they can’t be replicated later.[/quote] How does the use of toxins on students advance their education? How does unknown use? I suppose you somewhat refer to it later on, in the final paragraph of the interview but I'd like some more elaboration. Does she always teach through pain? [quote]With Lords and Darths, she will often take a more respectful and humbling tone toward them. [/quote] [i]Humble [/i]tone, as 'humbling' means she teaches them humility or puts them in their place and tells them off.