Aurel glanced at Geralt and simply nodded. [color=#a7d3d4]"If you say so.."[/color] He said, before glancing back at the cards as Ivory placed another card on the table. The three of clovers. His eyebrows furrowed ever so slightly, since that card was not useful to him. By then he knew that even if he had high cards, the likelihood of him being able to do anything with them were quite low. He normally would have folded, but just decided to see what the next card would be. Ivory's expression was blank as she placed the three on the table, it was useless to her, but it was easy to not show it. She turned slightly, glancing over her shoulder. For a moment it had felt like something had been watching her. Had she been imagining it? She shook it off, and placed her attention back on the game. She could tell that this card didn't work for Aurel either as he motioned for her to put in another card, which she did. Eight of Diamonds. She already had an eight, but at least it had been nice to have a pair as a backup. It was then that they revealed their cards. [color=#a7d3d4]"You win."[/color] Aurel said, gathering the cards to shuffle this time. [color=darkgray]"Remember what I said yesterday about your eyebrows?"[/color] She said with a small chuckle. It was really something he had to work on. [color=#a7d3d4]"I know, I just kind of forget in the moment.."[/color] He muttered before dealing the next set of cards. This time he got a Jack of Diamonds and a Nine of Spades, while Ivory got the Jack of Hearts and the Ten of Spades. The three cards he placed on the table were the Two of hearts, Seven and Queen of Diamonds. This round could really go either way, but Aurel seemed unsure. He set another card down, the King of Spades, and the last one was the Four of Clovers. Neither of them could do much with those cards, but it ended up being Ivory's win because she held the Queen. If Lucien had to guess, whatever Illy had to talk to him about was probably related to Geralt. [color=burlywood]"Then we can talk after I finish this. Since everyone seems busy at the moment."[/color] Perhaps the game of cards would keep Geralt distracted for a while. [color=burlywood]"I'm aware, but there's a fine line between what some would consider light reading. Be sure to get proper rest tonight. You need all the energy you can get."[/color] He said, despite the fact he was technically scolding her, he tried to keep his tone light. He just knew how Illyana was.