[Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180513/5ef5b8f32a843a2a76c1b0aa903ab393.png[/img] [Sub].:⋮Ending with a Bang⋮:.[/Sub] [/center] [color=9e0039]“Called it”[/color] Penny would say aloud, even if she was mostly talking to herself in regards to having been right about thinking that Dan had been trying to keep them here forever. She couldn’t say that she disliked this little enforced vacation, but that had a lot to do with Chloe. Everything else was either alright or a detriment. With that in mind, Penny walked over towards the Twins on the Stage [color=9e0039]“Anything I can do to help?”[/color] She would ask them. Not seeing any reason to keep piling on the aggression towards Dan. Plus the chance to destroy a miniature world wasn't something she wanted to pass on, she might not need to break things anymore but that didn't mean the action didn't have appeal anymore. [hr] [Center] [img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/180715/d80bb0fbb433935c1613207a0d09ae3f.png[/img] [Sub] -=Ǝ Heart of the matter E=- [/Sub] [/center] Aurelio was a bit torn if he was to be honest. This Beach had been one of the better surprises that he had encountered in his time as a magic boy, and while the air tended to filled with friction when the various cliques started to bump into each, for the most part it had been a place of [color=Skyblue][b]Joy[/b][/color] and [color=#FFFDD0][b]Comfort[/b][/color]. That said, [color=fff79a]“I must say that I’ve enjoyed the break you’ve been able to give us”[/color] Aurelio would say smiling [color=fff79a]“But, it would be a remiss if, we stayed here forever. The outside world is filled with danger and terror, yes. That’s why Beacon needs to be there. To help those that are in danger and the shield those that are afraid.”[/color] He would explain as he strode towards Dan [color=fff79a]“I would enjoy the opportunity to return, however, as you have quite the gift when it comes to making an atmosphere of fun.” [/color] He would extend a hand for the Dolphin to shake [color=fff79a]“Until then, it has been a pleasure”[/color]