[img]https://i.imgur.com/kqCeKN6.png?2[/img] [img]https://i.imgur.com/q0GpKA5.png?1[/img] [hr] “You still haven’t told me how the hell you got back on the station after being spaced.” [url=https://youtu.be/MCFow-fKiso]“Cause Little Willy, Willy won’t, go home! But you can’t push Willy ‘round, Willy won’t go!”[/url] “That doesn’t answer my question!” The newfound duo had commandeered a hovercraft to reach the public shelter in short order. ‘Commandeered’, that is, meaning they found a hovercraft that had been previously occupied by a single guard, only to have met his fate at the hands of - what would most likely have been - a parahuman who could blow up peoples’ heads with their own. No such aggressor was present however, so they gently removed the body and set it against a wall, then took off with the hovercraft. Radvi drove, of course. “Fine, then.” Radvi said as he kept his eyes focused on the path ahead, “Wouldn’t suppose you know who’s behind all this madness?” [url=https://youtu.be/N3zf9q8mbWs]“There’s a traitor, there’s a mole, it’s a peacetime overthrow-“[/url] “Stop, stop with the songs! Just use words!” [url=https://youtu.be/qbxraI412iE]“NO.”[/url] Well, technically, he did as asked. Radvi just groaned in reply, letting silence befall the two for a moment. “I…” He began, D turning his head slightly to face him as he continued. “Sorry. Thank you, for helping me back there. I… wouldn’t have made it, if you hadn’t stepped in.” Radvi shifted his head to the right. He wasn’t met with a song or sound clip, just a friendly thumbs up from D. He nodded, returning his attention to the road. “I still don’t know what you’re doing up here in the first place.” He said, “But if you’re ready and willing to help with this, this goddamn [i]mess[/i], then... I’ll look past your, ‘prior transgressions’.” D, in response, played a sound clip of [url=https://youtu.be/_Z3ra0CxCE0]several children cheering[/url], leading Radvi to smile and snicker a bit - something that was, admittedly, very rare for him. But just as it appeared, so quickly did it leave when he raised his finger and said sternly, “No more kicking any students in the face though, that’s over the line.” D’s response was to play a clip of a dog whimpering, sinking his head. After several more minutes of driving, the public shelter finally came into view up ahead - as did the scene playing out in front of it. The woman from the High Rise, Noelle, was standing in front of the closed-up entrance to the shelter, with a guard-issued shotgun in her mechanical hands - she must have taken it off of another dead one. She had situated herself between the shelter, and a single escaped prisoner who looked like she wanted to get inside - but not for the purpose of [i]safety[/i]. Three others lied around her, dead on the floor, shot and killed. The fourth prisoner was a spindly thing, lithe and tall but frail- as if a breeze would knock her over. She appeared emaciated, as if her build was not natural to her. She had long silver hair thatrand down the length of her back. Why she had been trying so hard to get in couldn’t be known, but it wouldn’t be difficult for one to ascertain that she desired to have control over others. She was obviously far from one of the top dogs in the rehabilitation facilities. “I’ll scream!” she threatened, less weight to her words than she probably intended. There was a crazed look in her eyes, though. As if she refused to go quietly even if Noelle had her at gunpoint. “I’ll blow the doors down. I swear to God.” “I said, get back!” Noelle yelled, keeping her shotgun trained on the woman, attempting to maintain a threatening stance. The thin girl’s jaw dropped to an unnaturally wide degree and she inhaled. [sub]“MOVE BITCH, GET OUT THE WAY-”[/sub] She was interrupted in her action by the approaching sound of- “GET OUT THE WAY BITCH, [b]GET OUT THE-[/b]” The hovercraft collided with her, sending her flying forward with thin trails of blood spreading out. D had raised his head out of the window, playing yet another song, watching with masked yet eager intent at the moment of impact. The hovercraft came to a halt just a bit past the location of impact, but the prisoner was further away, looking much worse for wear - as in, quite dead. Noelle simply watched in bewilderment as the glass pod doors opened up, and out jumped Radvi and D. “That was…” Noelle said, shotgun lowered, “Well.” “Sorry I wasn’t here sooner.” Radvi replied, “Got hung up before, but…” They both turned their attention towards D, who had climbed up on top of the hovercraft. “I thought you sent him back to Earth?” Noelle said in visible confusion. “Yeah. Apparently he came back.” “And now you two are working together.” “I… yeah.” Radvi replied, “You were able to hold this location well enough?” “Yeah, I picked this up on my way here.” Noelle said, motioning towards her shotgun, “But the thing only had a few shots left right up until that last prisoner. They all came around right after I did, but they weren’t that much trouble.” She proceeded to toss the shotgun aside, having no further use for it given her lack of ammunition. “How the hell did this all happen?” She proceeded to ask. “I don’t know.” Radvi replied, “Right now, I’m just focused on holding this location until the rest of the force comes in. They got held up in the sector tubes. Someone forced a lockdown while they were headed for the spire.” “Who the hell could’ve done that?” “I think [i]he[/i] has an idea.” Radvi said, shifting his attention towards D, who was still keeping a vigil atop the hovercraft, scanning his head left and right, playing a repeating sonar sound. He returned his attention to Noelle and asked her, “How many are in there?” He motioned towards the shelter. “About a couple dozen short of fifteen-hundred.” She replied, “They closed up before I got here. And before you tell me to go join them, [i]fuck that[/i]. I may not be a guard [i]or[/i] a parahuman anymore, but I’m not gonna sit and do nothing. I’m staying out here and helping.” “Fine by me. But you need a weapon.” Noelle nodded, shifting her gaze towards D. “Hey!” She called out, getting his attention. “You wanna be useful? Go grab any guns and ammo you can find on any dead guards!” With a salute and the beginning of the William Tell Overture’s Finale playing, D performed a backflip off of the hovercraft and raced down the nearest pathway he could find, on the hunt for some armaments. “He’s… something.” Noelle said. “Yeah.”