[color=aquamarine] [center] [h1] Malcolm d'Volio [/h1] [/center] [/color] [center][img]https://scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com/v/t51.2885-15/e35/s480x480/66769845_1073673779498525_7341080205214251526_n.jpg?_nc_ht=scontent-yyz1-1.cdninstagram.com&oh=2c35e879e87bb30c568472f7283e2748&oe=5DE46CA8&se=8[/img][/center] [center] Direct mention -[@Lugubrious][/center] [center][i]In the Center Corner Pub - 5:13PM [/i][/center] [hr] Malcolm noticed the small woman who walked into the pub almost immediately. There's a certain presence resonating off this specific individual... a reek of eeriness and mystery... He would approach the girl sitting at the bar counter and look at her with an odd expression. He would look down at her, slightly with a twinge of wonder. [color=aquamarine] "I see you're hurt, signora."[/color] He would take a moderate swig of his milk as he looked at her. He cleared his throat, thoughtfully scratching his chin as he examined her. [color=aquamarine]"You know Governor Diavolo, correct? I heard he... [i]disappeared[/i] suddenly... You happen to know anything about this?"[/color] Shoot to Thrill stood in the corner of the room, prepared to defend his master when given the command. Suddenly, Malcolm's glass of milk would suddenly press against Benni's lips, as he tilted the glass upwards. [color=aquamarine] "You know, milk is a great source of calcium and strongly supports bone growth?"[/color] He continued to empty the glass into her mouth, but it was no longer filled with milk, now the iron-y tang of blood rested on her mouth as Malcolm smiled cruely and waited for her reaction. It was not extremely obvious, but he was testing her.