[center][img]https://i.imgur.com/oRGaXhl.png[/img] [color=red]Annona Colony - Grand Dock[/color][/center] [hr] Lillianna let out a long, drawn-out sigh as she stood at semi-attention alongside her comrades. She was with her squad in their suits so close to the end of all those lined-up, at-attention soldiers on the Grand Dock that it felt frustrating. So far away from where the princesses would first come in, but so very close to the exist at the end of the Grand Dock that she could almost touch it. Either way, she supposed, she'd maybe get to be the last to see the two Princess walk by.... ...Actually, that wasn't bad necessarily. She'd get to do something so many fans could not! To see Princess Asallia in the fl- "Mam, the Princesses are almost here." The Avocati's ears perked up as the comms message reached her, as the communication coming from a nearby squadmate's unit reached her ears. Shock wrote itself into Lillianna's face as the experienced soldier and her unit snapped back to full attention suddenly, fumbling to leave her former daydreaming state. Over the comms she then heard the light giggle of a younger female squadmate of hers. Lillianna turned her unit's head to look back at the whisperer, wish she could shoot them a glare, but getting only a silent lack of response in return. Bernand was probably laughing, that little snot....but despite the frustrations Lillianna went looking over herself once more in the cockpit, seeking to ensure her attire was in proper shape. At least, just in case she was asked to step our for some reason. There was a chance of that, right? ...Admittedly the rest of her squadmates, if not all of them, had laughed at her sudden stint of proper etiquette before they all came out here into the Grand Dock to line up. So what? She didn't much like the stuffy conditions in all of this, wasn't like she was new to being under Gilbert's command either, but to see the Princesses in person was a unique experience! It wasn't like she had any special reasons or anything....i-idiots. Yet on the other hand she knew she wouldn't be adverse to battle orders being handed out right now as well. Hell, if she had any way to keep her music player out she'd have listened to some of her favorite idol's latest tracks at least. Anything to get this stuffy situation over with and see the Princesses, so she could be shuffled off to guard duty with her squad. "Oh, and the word down the grapevine says Lorenz is getting sent out to handle some intruder as well." What. Bernard's unit standing next to her seemed to deliver another bit of information in yet again over the comms, though this information was more worrisome than the last. Sure it had been passed on by just word of mouth as they all were waiting here...but it wasn't fair either! There was something going on right now, something to do, and she was stuck here waiting with her squad! But she also didn't want to miss seeing the Princesses either...argh! Lillianna's hands clenched tightly as she stood at attention, as a small shiver ran down her back whilst her body began to shift in eager anticipation. She could feel her legs aching to run to where her Tommy was standing a bit behind her, her hands on the controls, and her butt in the seat already. All it would take was a small emergency exit, and...no! No, no, and many more times no! She had to see Asallia, and be here with her squad! She wouldn't hear the end of it if Gilbert caught her jumping out of line here and into her suit and out into space, again at that, much less from other officers due to the presence of royalty here this time. It was like torture, however, to merely stand still here. [color=tomato]"Bernard, i am going to put you through overnight space drills again if tell me another damn thing right now while we are at attetnion. Vanessa, you are probably leaning ion the comms button again too,"[/color] Lillianna muttered under her breath in a gritty tone, squaking back to her two squadmates over the comms with a tone of light ire. Yet soon after the woman's gaze shifted to her screens once more, more worried than anything if anyone were able to see her eyes, to where the end the transfer bridge connected to the Grand Dock. It would all be worth it, yes? It had to be to stand here like this. Besides, she wasn't the only one who had been out of it for a moment. Some doofus in a Tommy farther ahead of her had stumbled on everyone's march in, much to her amusement. Hadn't been hard to imagine the following discussion after that over the comms. Haha!