At the mention of his tongue, Aurel's cheeks became a little red, and he instinctively covered his mouth. He hadn't even noticed that he did that when he was focused, because it simply came natural to him, he couldn't help but feel that this would make him feel more self-conscious about it, even if Geralt was telling him to make it subconscious. This was quite.. complicated. [color=#a7d3d4]"I understand.. Es hört sich einfach schwierig an."[/color] He said, despite his words though, his tone wasn't defeated. He [i]did[/i] want to learn, he knew just it would take some effort. [color=darkgray]"Relaxing a little will probably help, you're too tense."[/color] Ivory commented. Despite her annoyance with Geralt's presence, she wasn't going to deny his words when it came to helping Aurel, she also wanted the man to improve. As she spoke, she passed out the cards again, receiving the Ten of Hearts and Eight of Diamonds. Aurel on the other hand, received the Queen and Jack of clovers, and as Ivory set down the three cards in the middle, he could not help the excitement that shined in his eyes, even if he made an attempt in controlling the motion of his eyebrows. It was the Five and Ten of Clovers, and the Ace of Spades, which Ivory had placed down a little more aggressively than she had intended. If he could just get a King, then it would mean his victory. It was easy for Ivory to recognize that look in Aurel's eyes, especially after the three cards had been set. The next card was a Nine of Clovers, and his expression didn't change, because his odds were still good. Clearly his hand was too good for her to beat. [color=darkgray]"I fold."[/color] She said, mostly to prove a point, his expression had given it away again. Despite being happy with his victory, he felt like he had lost, because he still hadn't been very good at keeping his expression neutral. [color=darkgray]"Practice makes perfect, Aurel."[/color] She attempted to encourage. Akane glanced up at Illy as she came to take their plates away. [color=rosybrown]"Thank you, Illy! Should I help you dry?"[/color] She asked, smiling up at the girl.