Geralt couldn't help but nod at Ivory's assessment of Aurel's play-style. It was clear in his body language that he was tense, always waiting for the next card, anticipating his hand before he had it. He couldn't fault the boy for having nervous energy, there was a time, long ago, when Geralt was the same way. A product of his upbringing, he supposed. He wondered if Aurel had suffered from the same overbearing father and over-medicated mother. If he was this nervous with nothing at stake, what would happen when the upped the ante? During the next hand, Geralt decided to watch Ivory instead of Aurel. He had his tells and his faults, but what did she have? There had to be something, everyone had...[i]some[/i]thing. Some just hid it better than others. He noted her rough handling of the Ace of Spades, and smirked to himself, making sure that she saw. Other than this, there was nothing he could glean from watching this hand. She was a brick wall, a challenge, and he wanted to rise to it. When she folded, Geralt raised an eyebrow. So, it seemed that she was committed to teaching Aurel more than to winning. Geralt respected this, but it only made him want to teach Aurel himself. Ivory would be a great teacher, that was clear, but there were some things one could only learn for a master. When the hand was over, Geralt's lips tightened a little bit and he leaned into Aurel. [color=crimson]"Forgive me if I am covering old ground, here, but have you ever watched someone else play Ivory, Aurel? If not, I would love to cut in..."[/color] he paused and glanced at the vampire, [color=crimson]"If that's agreeable to you, of course."[/color] His kept his smile soft and pleasant, not wanting to set off any more alarm bells, although he was certain now that there was nothing he could do to ease her distaste for him. Cora had finished eating and was simply watching the game. She didn't really understand it, but she had played Go Fish with Ivory and Akane before, and she quite liked that game. This one seemed a little out of her wheelhouse, though she watched with interest anyway. She smiled at Illy as the girl approached, and handed her dish over. [color=00a99d]"Yeah, Illy,"[/color] she added, [color=00a99d]"Do you need help?"[/color] Illyana looked over the card game as she passed by, but determined there was no foul play. Geralt was keeping his hands where everyone could see them, anyway. She took Akane and Cora's plates, then nodded down at them, [color=598527]"Thank you for offering...actually, Cora, your hair is looking a little dry, did you want to wash while Akane dries? I had some things to discuss with Lucien."[/color] Cora smiled brightly and began wheeling herself away from the table even before Illyana was finished, [color=00a99d]"Of course, Illyana! I'd love to help."[/color] And it was true, any help that the mermaid could provide, she was happy for. She considered it 'earning her keep', and didn't want to appear lazy or ungrateful, especially in front of Geralt.