Aurel glanced at Geralt as he spoke. [color=#a7d3d4]"Akane's attempted her hand at it, but her pokerface is a little worse than mine."[/color] He commented, causing the kitsune's ears to twitch and smile sheepishly in their direction. If Aurel was obvious, Akane was on a whole other level. The motions of her ears and tails were usually what gave her away. Lucien was really the only one who was good at it, but Aurel didn't have the need to state that their ringleader had a good pokerface. Illy was also a good contender, but there were some games she didn't want to play with them because of unfairness. At his offer to play Ivory, the man simply looked to Ivory, leaving the decision up to her. Even though the dhampir was not particularly inclined to play Geralt, she knew this would probably be a good learning experience for him. Lucien did not really have as much free time to help her teach him. She simply shrugged in acceptance, and began to shuffle the cards again, giving the man his two cards before taking her own. The three cards placed in the middle of the table were the Ace of Clovers, The Three of Spades, and the Five of Hearts. Ivory glanced down at her cards, though this time she had only lifted them just enough to see them. She could not help the twitch of her brow this time around, a sign of brief irritation, before her expression neutralized again. Akane was quick to rise from her chair, glad that Illyana had accepted their help, before reaching for Cora's hand and leading her up to the sink so they could begin to help out with the dishes. It was around this time that Lucien finished taking inventory, and then gave the table a brief glance. So Geralt was playing Ivory? That was certainly.. interesting. He hoped no sparks would fly while he was gone, though knowing how much Ivory wanted to teach Aurel to get better, he figured it would go alright. He walked to Illy and handed her the clipboard. [color=burlywood]"It's done."[/color] He said. [color=burlywood]"Shall we go?"[/color]