Lucien looked at Faolan almost innocently at his comment. [color=burlywood]"Indeed."[/color] He said a little amusingly. He should have known this would encourage Faolan to take another drink to even the odds. He honestly hadn't known that it would be this easy for him to rope Faolan into competition, but he liked how things were going. At the Irishman's following comment, it was his turn to laugh. [color=burlywood]"I wouldn't mind, I can actually sing pretty well~"[/color] He said. It was something that he often had to do in Church, so he was well practiced. It did make him curious as to whether Faolan could do the same, but he didn't ask. -- By the time they had almost made it through the bottle, Lucien was [i]definitely[/i] feeling the effects of alcohol. He felt a little lightheaded and.. awfully bright in terms of mood. He was very satisfied with himself, because by the fifth glass, it had been clear that Faolan was drunk, but Lucien was still hanging on. Despite that, though, Faolan had refused to give up, and they had continued to drink until they had almost swept through the bottle. The bartender had stopped a couple more times after this to offer them more water, and had commended him. Definitely one of the most resilient Frenchman he had ever seen. The now red-faced Frenchman was facing Faolan, elbow on the table as he rested his cheek against his palm, swirling a cup of water in his hand. He couldn't help but not be able to tear his eyes from the Irishman in his current state. There.. was just something about him. He really wished they could do this more often. At his comment, the nephilim raised his eyebrows and shook his head, golden eyes still on the Irishman. Right now it didn’t even matter how loud the bar actually was. He was focused on only him. [color=burlywood]"No, but I'd love to know."[/color] He said, clearly interested in what Faolan had to say.