[center] [url=https://fontmeme.com/fonts/avertastevia-font/][img]https://fontmeme.com/permalink/191020/cb995e8dd02995aa1ea9f1a690dbb411.png[/img][/url] [/center] [center][img]https://wallpapercave.com/wp/KULK50d.jpg[/img][/center] [b]Location:[/b] Hell. [b]Time:[/b] N/A. [b]Interactions:[/b] None. Vitius sighed, sending floating particulates spiraling off in random directions as he surveyed the surrounding landscape. Or hellscape rather. He didn't see any signs of life, but he knew it was out there, crawling across the ashen wastes and ruined structures. Waiting. Watching. Absentmindedly fingering the strap lashed across his chest, he carefully considered his next move. While he had been to this realm before, and thus knew how to deal with its denizens, that didn't make the place or those who inhabited it any less dangerous. Pondering the situation for a bit, Vitius eventually decided to seek shelter somewhere until his planar shifting abilities decided to kick back up and take him back to Tenebris, whenever and wherever that may be. Quickly making his way down the small hill upon which he was standing, Vitius made his way past desiccated vegetation and crumbling stonework as he began his long trek towards the shattered city off in the distance, his hand resting on the hilt of his weapon. Just in case. After several hours of walking in deafening silence, Vitius finally found himself at the entrance to the abandoned city, the sky above remaining dark and depressing as always. There was a slight difference to the landscape, however, in the form of a small robed figure huddled just to the right of the main thoroughfare, its slight movements and disruption of surrounding particulates the only outward sign of life. Vitius's eyes narrowed as he shifted into a more defensive stance. Drawing closer, he observed the figure warily as they began to speak, having taken notice of him despite not moving when he approached. [color=slategray]"Ah, you've returned to us once again,"[/color] it said in a voice that reminded him of sandpaper grinding against glass. [color=slategray]"And here I was thinking you wouldn't be back."[/color] Vitius growled. "I did not come willingly demon, you know this. The blood of your kin longed to return to this hellish place and my reality had no choice but to obey." It nodded. [color=slategray]"Yes, indeed. Though that's your fault now isn't it?"[/color] Vitius glared at the demon, but it ignored him, opting instead to gesture towards the city with a wizened hand. [color=slategray]"Regardless, you know what lies ahead, just as you know what lies behind. More of my kin. Some who will heed your mark and leave you be as you wander throughout our home, and others who will not."[/color] The creature rasped as Vitius nodded his acknowledgement. Yet another thing he didn't understand about this place. His "mark," which apparently had something to do with his being a vampire. It was odd, but for some reason the more intelligent hellspawn seemed to recognize what he was and gave him a wide berth as he traveled, as though something about his vampiric made them... deferent. Quite unlike the more feral demons, who would attack him whenever they got the chance. It was just strange all round, though not entirely unexpected. This was hell after all. Things were bound to get strange sooner or later. [color=slategray]"Either way..."[/color] the creature went on. [color=slategray]"I wish you luck, though considering your past visits, I doubt you'll need it."[/color] Vitius let out a small chuckle as the creature slowly faded away, its clothes collapsing into a pile of dark ash. It was right of course. He didn't need luck. He had skill.