[color=1E90FF][h3][center]Aoife De Chuid Mag Mell[/center][/h3][/color] How long has it been since she left home? Last time she visited? Many, many years for either. [color=1e90ff]"Hah... Perhaps I should visit home soon. I'm sure sister wouldn't mind me staying with her for a bit. Isn't that right, Adhahm!?"[/color] She asked the spectral horse she rode on. The creature gave a whiney in response, but that was about it. The creature itself did seem to care one way or the other. [color=1E90FF]"I am."[/color] Still, that wouldn't be for a while still. She was just about to start a chapter of her journey. Never has she visited Silver Sun before. A land that one couldn't but help want to call a wasteland having just heard about it. The land was infertile and Aoife could only assume that the people have suffered much because of it. Still, that wasn't quite why she was there though. It was the dead. The spirits of the dead that is. With the infertility of the land as it were, there was a high chance that many were... Deceased. Of course a Dullahan would be attracted here with that in mind. It didn't help that there was a sudden urge to head here, perhaps a subconcious message from her Queen set off the urge, or something else of the sort, but she was here now. It might be a stretch to say she was here to help, but if she had an idea about dead spirit's last wish, she might have the chance to do so regardless. Whatever would happen in the future though, she was about to witness something strange. As she rode Adhahm on the road towards what should be Silver Sun, she studied the terrain. Whatever Aoife might think when she heard "Silver Sun" this didn't seem like it. Sure, it was a fallen kingdom, but she was expecting something like an actual silver sun hanging in the sky. Or perhaps a number of silver decorations on the road. None of it, sadly. Then, out of the corner of her eye, she saw something odd. The Dullahan grabbed her head and lifted it as high as she could. [color=1E90FF]"Ehh!? Is that... People falling?! As if they could survive a fall like that! Come, Adhahm! Let us collect their spirits."[/color] She hardly expected the first souls she would collect in Silver Sun would be fresh. Adhahm galloped until they came to the clearing before the lake. Yes, there were people. They were alive still, however. [color=1E90FF]"Huh, well, guess this wasn't a death fall."[/color] She looked around at everyone there. Five humans, a snake... A dragon? [color=1E90FF]"Huh... Dragon. Nobility?"[/color] Many things have been seen in Aoife's lifetime, but this was the first time she'd seen this. A summoning of sorts? Hmm, well, this was interesting enough to stand around and watch with a somewhat confused face. She set her head atop a specially made spot on her horse's saddle and leaned against the creature. It didn't move at least, as she watched on. If someone noticed her, she'd say something at least. She didn't want to interrupt the flow of conversation. For now.