[@Foster] It's a little complicated, because it's sort of both... but not. Stick with me here. The setting, as it seems that is what you're questioning, is a very strange one. Basically, you take the Medieval-era, with all of it's kingdoms and castles and dragons and all that goodness, but then you also add in giant magical portals to other dimensions, may they be futuristic or otherwise, and cram in practically anything that comes to your imagination in this one, I suppose, sanctuary, if you will. It's like it's own kingdom, but mainly reserved for those who traveled through the portals, as most of them aren't quite excepted in the old-timey community, and some even seen as monsters. Now, not all of the, what we'll call, 'Hoppers', which are those who came through the portals, as I mentioned before, are seen as that. Hell, some of them got their way into the main kingdom, which I have yet to name... But still! It really depends. Nobody really knows where the portals came from, and why the Hoppers decided to travel through. Some say some type of Witchcraft or dark magic, others call on Gods, everyone else aside from that seems to blame it on past history with other races and other dimensions, even going so far to say that this is some sort of ripple caused by a grand, large-scale, inter-dimensional, all-out war that occurred hundreds and hundreds of years ago... You get it by now. I don't quite know where I want this to go later on, but as of now, I'm just planning on throwing things at a wall and seeing what sticks. I hope that answered your question. -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- [@A Lowly Wretch] Answer #1: I plan on this to be a Casual roleplay, although I am a tad bit intimidated by them, I'm willing to give it a shot. Answer #2: No, you are not required to use actual photos in your CS. But yes, drawings/anime are allowed, and are actually encouraged. This isn't a very realistic roleplay, so I didn't think it would make sense to have realistic looking characters or face claims, as I suspect most of the CS' will be of other, fantastical races and/or species.