After being paid for the delivery Xander began to make his way back, not knowing whether or not Loki was still following him. He felt a bit awkward while at Reyna's apartment due to it being a doubled order, but also he felt some connection with her. It was not romantic at all, or at least he did not think it was...No, it was much closer to the one he felt with Lindy right before she threw him through his own wall. [color=a187be]"Maybe I'm just confused..."[/color] the fire bender sighed as he slowly made his way back to Lucky Star. He did not feel like bringing up her Alzheimer's so he simply handed her the money and headed back to his loft. Once inside he changed out of his work uniform and headed down stairs. [color=a187be]"This place really needs some cleaning too..."[/color] the martial artist groaned before grabbing some old bricks and plaster. With that he began to at least try to repair the wall that he had been thrown through earlier that very same day.