Maisey looked on as her brother Matthiew signed for the big metal game system that two big men had brought in a large truck. From her place around the corner she watched him instruct the men to carry it in and up the stairs, ducking around the corner into the kitchen as they passed by and stomped up the stairs toward his room. It wasn't long after the men left that he game looking for her, finding her hiding out at the kitchen table so she wouldn't have to talk to them. "C'mon, it's all hooked up." He said, nodding his head toward the stairs. [hr] It was an intimidating matching. Even though it looked more like one of those old style space ships than the "coffin" she had expected. That names still made her uneasy, even if it wasn't the big, black, tombstone shaped thing she'd been expecting. Matthiew was still doing some final checks, tapping away at the little holographic keyboard projected by his cuff. He was prorbably setting up the recording software. Urghhhhhm, why had she agreed to this stupid experiment? "Because I think it might be good for you." He replied. She went red as a tomato. She was thinking out loud again. "Yes you are." She said, taking the cuff offline with a satisfied smile. He tapped the side, the top of the coffin sliding open. "There we go, it's all set." He looked down at her as she hesitantly took a step away, shook his head, and got down on one knee. "Look, it as though you re even leaving the house. If you don't like it, just quit out and I'll never ask you to go in there again." "What if I'm bad at it?" She asked. "It's a RPG." Matthiew replied. "It's hard to be really bad at it. If you get stuck just...kill boars until you re strong enough to get through it." She still wasn't entirely sure, but found herself crawling inside and laying down anyway. "Remember to talk about what your seeing, what you think, anything you like." He said. "I want your honest reactions." She nodded again as the top started sliding closed, more to reassure herself than anything.