"Uhhhhh...." Maisey went, turning her face. The Unfamiliar face turned with her. "Oh, okay." She said to herself. "That's my face." She remembered what her brother had said about honest reaction, and how she should speak up. "Uhh, I like the way it's mouth moves when I talk. I didn't think that would happen. Let's see..." She clicked okay on the face, keeping the generic avatar and just kept going until it asked for her to pick a class. "I guess knight?" She said, choosing that one. "Yeah, I like that because, look, see, she has that big strong armor now. So, I know there are monsters in this game so the armor should protect me." It asked her to choose a weapon to. That was easy. "Knights have lances." She said, picking that. After picking that her vision went dark again. Been she woke up a thrid time she was in the middle of a bustling town. Filled with people. 'So. Many. People." Her lance nearly fell out of her new hands as she baked up in surprise. She hadn't expected there to be many people. She backed up until her armors back clanked against a nearby wall and just sweated there before rememembering she was supposed to be making a video. "H-h-hey everybody." She said shakily to herself and anyone that would be watching. "I'm Maisy. This is...um...my brother said he wanted me to play this new game he got. I don't play lot of video games, so I think right now I'm just gonna look around and, maybe wait for things to slow down a bit." She hardly even noticed that as she spoke she was slowly slinking behind a nearby barrel. Considering she hadn't selected a stealthy class, though, this wasn't doing much.