'Oh no it isn't getting less busy, is it?" Maisy said. If anything more people were showing up by the minute. 'I have to get out of here." She ducked out from behind the barrel and, without speaking to any of the people or NPCs headed toward the big gate visible in the distance. Once she got outside the town maybe there wouldn't be as many people. Once she reached the gate she had to stop for a moment to take in the view. Rolling green hill extended out into the world in from of her, dotted with the occasional tree and yellow patch of wheat. It was like something out of a story book. "Wow." She said. Then she heard laughing voices coming up behind her and took off into the field to get away from them. "Maybe I can build a house." She said, running up to one of the trees and leveling her Lance at it. "That's something to do in video games." So she started attacking the tree with her lance, jabbing at it in an attempt to get the wood. There came a something that was a mix between a caw and a shriek, and as she looked up what looked like a red eyed toothed crow descended from the foliage, yellow talons bared. "Oh I'm sorry. Was this your house?" She asked, but the crow paid her no mind as it came down and started Peking and scratching at her exploded head. 'Ahhh," she screamed, backing away and swinging her lance wildly at it. Her flailing didn't seem very effective though as it stayed level with germ wheeling between her clumsy strikes until, by luck, she caught it with a back swing. With a sickening crack the crow monster plummeted to the ground and started giving off a sparkle. "I'm sorry." She said to the corpse, completely mortified. She had never even thrown a rock at a bird before. But then more cawing made her look up as three more of the things descended from the tree. "I just killed a mother." She said, bringing her weapon up defensively as the crows circled around her.