"B-b-but how do you know that?" She shouted as the door closed behind him. Oh well. She held up her hands in front of her and stuck out her index finger and her thumb. The hand that didn't form an L was her right. "Right!" She turned, but before she did a [url=https://i.imgur.com/exKjBvm.png ]pair[/url] of [url=https://i.imgur.com/2B4EEuQ.png]men[/url] dropped out of the trees behind her, scowling at her. This was just great. More people. "Um, are you friends with that guy?" The one with the axe laughed. 'Nah, lass. N'fact, if you hadn't come along we'dve already slit his throat fer stumblin' on our hideout." The other cracked his knuckles. 'He's just gonna have to get his from our boys inside. Ain't nobody takin' that relic from us. We worked to hard for it." "I don't understand anything you're saying." Maisy replied, backing up until she was pressed against the door. The two enemies didn't reply, the one with the axe charging forward swinging it wildly. The thieves lookouts were too distracted to notice the stealthy Jono slip inside after the druid.