Sylvia nodded and thanked the orc chef after he wished her good luck. She scanned the kitchen, getting a sense of where everything is. She accepted the apron from Pylia and she nodded to her, answering "You got it. Thank you again," After placing on the apron, and Shortfang and Buddy returned, she called for them to come to her so they could have a meeting of sorts before they start cooking. She had an idea as to what her friends could do. Once they're around her, she hands Shortfang and Buddy an apron each, and she speaks to the group, getting straight to the point, "Alright, guys. We're going to need Granny Smith apples for this. If there aren't any, Pink Ladies, Johnathans, and Honeycrisps will also work. Make sure you don't pick any apples that are very sweet and soft, like Red Delicious. We'll also need to make sure that the peels of the apples are not too smooth or waxy. We want as much caramel to stay on the apples as possible. We will also need wooden skewers, and I don't think the Silver Stag staff would appreciate us using theirs. We're also going to need to figure out some way to store, or wrap up the candy apples so that they're ready for the party. Other than that, I'll take care of the caramel, 'cause that can be tricky. While we're cooking, remember to keep communicating! It's key in the kitchen! Got it? OK! Let's get cooking!" After telling her friends what was needed, Sylvia immediately started a stove, and prepped the ingredients while the stove heated up. Once it's heated, she would start mixing the sugars and water to make the caramel. [hider=Info]Cooking Utensils Roll: [url=]10[/url] Advantage: [url=]22[/url][/hider]