Sabine put a hand to her stomach and curled her fingers gently around the front of her dress. "Karl is back in the Silent City, attending to a the dwemer machines we may be employing in the invasion. I will introduce you to him when I can, I think." Tzirret tilted his ear at Sabine's nervousness, but he remained smiling. "These Khajiit would very much like to attend Sabine's and Karl's wedding if possible. And if you would have us." "Yes! Marriage. Um..." Sabine took another breath. "It was strange, Karl and I stumbled upon the possibility of marrying in conversation by accident. I fear he may ask me very soon. I just made him hold his proposal until after the invasion." She glanced with a nervous smile at Ko'tanza and Tzirret. "I did not want him distracted. Nor myself."