[h1] Leslie Sobero[/h1] [hr] Leslie did not spot the Captain walk in , and was a little startle by him piping in. Though given that the invite was to the entire squad, it wasn't too surprising he was here [quote=@Silverwind Blade] "Anyhow, sucks I seem to have missed out on all th' socialisin'. But, I'm gonna head.. down? aft? to the ass end?" he gave an amused smile and shrugged "whatever the hell it's called I ain't in the navy, an' try my GEAR on fer size. Gotta make sure that the seat's adjusted properly, an' it's got the right cup holder installed. See ya down there, folks". [/quote] "Actually sir it's called the a—" She was cut off by the distinctly sinister laugh the otter let out. She couldn't tell what they were giggling about but the timing was a little worrying. Still, she couldn't help but find the otter's energy endearing. [quote=@Esailia] "I will be trying my best to lend all my skills for this team. If you ever feel like your GEAR or any personal equipment could do with a technical touch, let me know. I am already compiling a list of additions or upgrades to your gear that I will present when we have more time." [/quote] "I'm sure we'll get along fine. I'm a little more on the physical side of machinery but I think I'll be working with you more often than not." Idly she wondered if this was the otter when she was cafinated. "But yeah, I'm not a stranger to fixing things as well. " She hummed as the little droid climbed over the tech guru. "Oh neat, that little thing looks like it could be handy" The bear, well the bear was built like a brick outhouse, and the deliberate nature of his speech seemed to emphasize the strength of his body. His line about bullets practically was out of a movie. "I don't think I caught your name, actually. You sound like the heavy weapons guy? We'll probably end up coordinating a fire support position soon enough," she said. Looking around, she realized it was too late to grab the Captain or the Lion. She was already forming a list of her GEAR loadout, but she could spare some time. Instead she turned to the Gazelle. "And you are the medic?" She asked, tapping her own shoulder where her combat engineer badge was. "Always glad to see someone like you around. Hopefully we won't need you but," she shrugged, "Better safe than sorry." Drumming her fingers lightly on the table, she looked around. "So uh, this is actually my first deployment. I'm pretty excited about it. I was about to go set my GEAR up, if you wanted to join me?"