Lucien began to struggle with how to get himself out of this situation. If he had been sober, he could have easily managed, but this time aronud he had gotten himself in too deep without realizing. Now he understood what Faolan meant when he said that alcohol clouded one's mind. It was through this internal struggle of his that he heard the Irishman speak. It got the woman off his arm, but the nephilim wasn't really prepared for the situation that escalated afterwords. He found it hard to find a place to interrupt. For a moment, he was shocked to hear the slur directed at Faolan. He furrowed his brow, his expression souring. Hearing Faolan raise his voice made him realize that he had to say something. He was angry, that much was clear. This had been only the second time that he had ever heard the Irishman raise his voice. Quickly he moved, to stand between Faolan and the woman, trying to choose his words carefully. At this point he just wanted to get Faolan out of here. At this point Marie was yelling, and at this time of night it could certainly bring some bad attention to them. [color=burlywood]"I'm.. terribly sorry if we've offended you.. mademoiselle. I'm afraid the alcohol has gotten to his head.. I do hope you'll forgive his words.."[/color] He said hesitantly, bowing his head slightly in her direction. She didn't seem particularly satisfied with this, but he didn't want to give the woman time to protest further. [color=burlywood]"I'm afraid we've overstayed our welcome. Do have a goodnight."[/color] As quick as he could manage with his lack of usual reflexes, he turned and placed a hand on Faolan's shoulder to guide him away from the situation. [b]"Hey wait a minute!"[/b] Marie called out, but was stopped by her more sensible friend. [b]"Marie just let it go, it's not worth it."[/b] Charlotte muttered. Clearly the other woman was displeased by this, but she let them go. Lucien let out a relieved sigh as they turned the street corner and were completely out of the women's sight. He rubbed his forehead slightly, beginning to feel a slight throb at his head. That situation had certainly gotten out of hand. There had clearly been a misunderstanding here, it had happened before, long ago when they had first met on the boat. Why did people feel the need to resort to such slurs? Things like these clearly got a rise out of the Irishman. He didn't like seeing Faolan upset like this, and felt bad for being unable to defend him. In that situation, he just wanted them to be able to leave as quickly as possible. [color=burlywood]"I'm sorry.. Faolan.. For dragging you into this. I wasn't thinking clearly.."[/color] He muttered apologetically. Not only had it ruined their good time, but it had clearly soured the man's mood.