[hider=Conrad Helmsman] [b]Name:[/b] Conrad Helmsman [b]Age:[/b] 28 [b]Physical Description:[/b] [img]https://twistedsifter.files.wordpress.com/2015/08/real-life-disney-characters-by-jirka-vaatainen-14.jpg?w=600&h=849[/img] Unshaven, often smells of smoke and sweat, and with a pondering look on his face. [b]Important items:[/b] Sketchbook, Messkit/Firestarter, Belt knife, Flashlight, Poncho, Judge Taurus [b]Short Bio:[/b] Conrad grew up traveling- his father was a biologist that specialized in identifying and fighting off invasive species. Lots of camping, hiking, helicopter rides, and long walks in the woods. It wasn't a bad thing though. He grew to appreciate the silence of the forest and the beauty of nature. The tiniest mountain stream is as beautiful as the broadest horizon, given a closer inspection and consideration. The force of tree roots breaking apart a granite mountain face, the terrifying power of a flash flood in a narrow canyon. He followed in his Father's footsteps but leaned more to the side of a general responder to wilderness emergencies. As he grew older, he became gradually more introspective. Conrad didn't hate people, but he didn't understand them either. Large crowds were out of his comfort zone, though he enjoyed talking to the occasional hiker or tourist group he met on the trail. It was interesting to hear different viewpoints and philosophies about the world. Eventually, he began to hear odd tales of powers and creatures appearing. It wasn't long until one day, atop Mount Pilatus in Lucerne, Switzerland, that he had an experience of his own. [img]https://static.wixstatic.com/media/661919_9a6ba264878d4c3f9f75bd0d000d61e4~mv2_d_2800_1867_s_2.jpg/v1/fill/w_1600,h_1066,al_c,q_90/file.jpg[/img] [color=fff200]"Amazing, isn't it?"[/color] Conrad's head didn't even turn from the view he was taking in. "Yeah, it really is." Next to him, a winged being in flowing robes stood on the stone railing. None of the other few on the terrace could see it. [color=fff200]"If you had the power to, would you protect it?"[/color] "You mean the earth? In a heartbeat." [color=fff200]"Yes, earth- and the people on it."[/color] "Ah..." Conrad was silent for a moment. "Are we worth saving?" [i][color=fff200]"That depends on what you mean by worth. You of all people should know that beauty is in the eye of the beholder."[/color][/i] "And you consider mankind beautiful." [i][color=fff200]"Indeed, and you do too."[/color][/i] "Yes... I suppose I do." [b]Skills/Flaws:[/b] [i]Awe[/i] - Conrad is amazed by nature and power, and can be left distracted or dumbstruck by a particularly impressive display of power... or a good enough view. [i]Superstition[/i] - He is possessed by a healthy respect for the creepily unknown, also known as 'Hell Nah' syndrome. This is recently amplified by his ability to see magical energies. [i]Anti-Social[/i] - Not a fan of people. One on one is fine, even three on one. But throw him into a crowded room and he tends to shut down. [i]Traveller[/i] - Conrad is experienced in travelling, camping, and in general, life on the road. Not survival per se, but definitely some knowledge in practicality and planning. [i]Artistry[/i] - Conrad is very proficient in sketching, though he doesn't dabble too much in other kinds of art other than calligraphy. [h3]Spell List:[/h3] [i]Force of Nature [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad may pull available magical energy from the sky and earth. [i]True Sight [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad can see all magic, passive or active, as well as differentiate between enchanted objects and non-enchanted, if a being has magical potential, and can tell if a person has four or more spells in a specific school of magic. [i]Protection [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad can create seals that ward their locality and/or target from magic. [i]Faery Fire [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad can produce and throw magical conflagrations of white fire that cause burns to Mages and Magical Creatures that cannot be healed by magic. [i]Dispell High Magic [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad can dispel any magic that uses High magic, including enchantments. [i]Enchanter [b]{High}[/b] -[/i] Conrad may enchant objects with spells that he or another party member knows, dependant on their durability. [/hider]